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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Quite the introduction.... O_o Welcome to the Community, and Enjoy your stay. Room service costs extra.
  2. Yes. And as most of you noticed, I talk to my Dogs while I'm playing. Here's why: This is exactly where they sit when I'm playing, no matter what I do, they sit ON ME.
  3. I wish harm upon you all, and hold to my statement: If I was Cutter we could have won.
  4. So, it's national Star Wars day here... May the 4th be with you!

  5. D.J. sighed and walked back to his bunk. "Man, I thought that would be interesting..." He glanced around at the other recruits. Most of them had a mix of nervous or tired expressions, a few had even started to nap.
  6. I'm getting there! Slowly but surely!
  7. D.J. stayed inside, but sat over by the window to watch what unfolded.
  8. I have so many games I don't know what to play, so I play nothing. genius.

  9. Well, Welcome to the Community! There are plenty of Forgers around, so you're sure to find someone to talk with!
  10. But fisshhhhhyyyyyy....
  11. D.J. looked over to the Russian, smiling silently to himself. D.J. chuckled. "Hey man, I know I'm funny lookin', but you don't gotta laugh about it."
  12. Minor change to my picture, you probably won't even notice. :D

  13. D.J. sat on one of the many Identical bunks as everyone else showered. Secretly, he was glad to have had his Shower privileges revoked for a bit. Shared showers were not in his list of thing he wanted to do. He had already changed out of his street clothes into a fresh pair of OD BDUs, and slipped his sunglasses in the shirt pocket. "Not bad, better than the rags I used to wear." He muttered to himself as he rolled the sleeves up to his forearms. He glanced over at the Crate of ARs. "Never seen a piece like that back home... Probably a good thing too, those ain't no joke..."
  14. Hey! Hey kid! you like candy? I got some candy in my van... But i'm not giving you any. it's my candy. go ask your parents to buy you some. This is my Candy.

    1. EliteSniper


      But I want candy *sad face*

  15. [i personally find this enjoyable so far... lets keep it rolling!] D.J. kept his steady pace for the last leg of the run. He was out of breath, but he kept going. Cardio had always been second on his workout list, and now he realized how much of a mistake that had been.
  16. I'm gonna through you all a curve ball. For me, it's Foehammer. She doesn't get enough credit.
  17. [Really.... just..... ugh....] Jones kept his place in the middle of the line, keeping an even pace. The recruit next to him had started to struggle, taking heavy steps and stumbling. "Hey man, you alright?" "I'm just... tired...." "That is kinda the point, buddy. just stick it out. you can make it." "Yeah..... sure...." Jones though about going to show off again, but decided against it. If he did now, the entire group would be in for it, not a good way to make friends.
  18. Well, even if you're a new member, I'm impressed! I hope you stick around, cause this is definitely a prediction to think about.
  19. "Four hundred more, and no showers? And I was worried about feeling homesick." D.J. dropped down and started on the next set of push-ups. Exercise came naturally to him, Because it was all he did for fun back home. After 150, he held himself up and stretched his arms, before continuing on to the Next 150, at a slightly slower pace. Once he had regained his energy, he decided to have a little fun, doing the next 50 on just his left arm, and the last 50 on his right. "Alright. As fun as that was, I'm done." D.J. said, trying to mask his fatigue. He wasn't overly tired, but he'd be sore in a few hours.
  20. "Hundred fifty? I'll give ya an extra 50 for free!" D.J. flopped down and started in on the Push ups, cranking out 50 with ease. he paced himself for the last one hundred, and As promised, squeezed in an extra 50. He jumped up and stretched his back. "Not a bad warm up, Staff Sergeant."
  21. "Yeah Staff Sergeant, clear as glass, no need to yell." D.J. said, flipping a mocking salute. "Didja miss breakfast or somethin'?"
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