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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. This was shut down a while ago. We have a Minecraft PC server now though, feel free to check it out. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/27858-docs-minecraft-is-now-open/
  2. If I'm not mistaken, I thought Halo: The Flood was the novelization of the Game... Right?
  3. Finally! another Non-Halo 4 hater! I welcome you with open arms, and a free bacon strip!
  4. If you want to, I'll be all for it.
  5. Well hello there! welcome to the Forums!
  6. It says I need to be added to the white list... So......
  7. Um.... Hello again! Nice to re-meet you...
  8. This one is less of a game, and more of a console. About 3 years ago, I was playing Original Xbox. we had a 360, but my brother kept it in his room, and I never got to play it, so I'd play the original all the time. Now, I had bought this one about 3 months after it had been released, so it was old. I had about 130 hours of music saved on it, as well as over 50 games worth of saves. I was playing Star Wars: Republic Commando (Big surprise there) And I had just finished killing Sun Fek for the millionth time. then, I noticed the Xbox making weird noises. when I went to investigate, Sparks shot out of the back, and the system shut off. After I stopped freaking out due to a sudden, Xbox-Related, Fireworks show, I tried to turn it back on. Nothing. I tried just about every outlet in my house. The king, was dead. Now that made me sad. then I realised.... Republic Commando was still in the system. That, made me furious. So I took a Hand saw to it, cut it open, and got my disk out. Then, I cried weepy man-tears of Gaming Sadness. (Not really. It would've been funnier if I did.) ---------- Alternate story! Anytime someone tries to say every game ever stole from CoD.
  9. I've met someone who paid for a custom Magnum. It was awesome, and it had working blowback, shot around 350 fps with .25 grams, but it had run him about $600 dollars is work, plus the $150 for the TM M-1911 he had used for the base. Had I that much sitting around, I'd have one too though.
  10. The pose is a little awkward, but other than that this is amazing!
  11. Welcome to the Community!
  12. Just beat Bioshock Infinite.... What the fu-

    1. Cooliest


      thats what I've heard.

    2. Minuette


      I know how the ending works, so It doesn't bother me anymore

  13. Well, welcome to the forum! I may not agree with you about Halo: CE, but I'll keep it to myself. I hope to see you around!
  14. Well, it's obviously an adaptable concept, look at LOTR: Battle For Middle Earth. It was basically a medieval Battlefront. All it really needs is: Classes Vehicles Capture points Differences between both sides Obviously there are finer details to work out, but the basics would be enough to give it that "Battlefront" feel.
  15. Thanks. congratz on the 500th post BTW.
  16. Alrighty, a quick Update! I didn't do a video for this week, but I have something muuuuuch better. After a few hours of Struggle, weeping and cursing my birth, I figured out how to do screen caps with a face cam. So look for... wait for it... LET'S PLAYS IN THE NEAR FUTURE!!! I should have the first one ready by Saturday.
  17. (*someone) was me. And guys... this was a prank.... seriously.
  18. Does anyone here have it, and play it? I'm looking for more people to Play against. I mainly use Miguel, but I have a decent list of characters I can use. Also, just talk about Tekken in general.
  19. Watch this, LOL, and enjoy your improved life. or not...

  20. Fine, Stew in your ignoble hatred. I will hear no more of it!
  21. My god... the fact that I was the only person to notice this right off the bat... astounds me... I'm supposed to be the stupid one guys...
  22. Do you still need a builder for the PVP arena thingy? because I have exactly 0 things i need to do, so I could sink a bit of time into it.
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