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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. He's doing it to get MoM again.... Lol. Hope you enjoyed your pink month!
  2. I was going to attempt some elaborate prank of the entire site... but when i thought of how long it would take to set up... I realized it'd be more like pranking myself.

    1. EliteSniper


      I though about posting something about me leaving or something like that, but then I changed my mind XD

  3. So... I'm gonna call it. The RP's are all dead. we had a good run, but not enough people posted regularly. Feel free to try to keep it going, but I think it's safe to say this RP has lived out it's lifetime.
  4. I'm always up for playing a new map, so long as you realize I reserve the right to comment honestly on any map, that includes negatively. Let me know if you plan to test a map.
  5. I'll only do the ones I play regularly. Nintendo - Majority N64, some NES Starfox 64 Operation Winback Diddy Kong Racing 007 Golden Eye Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire Star Wars: Rouge Squadron River City Ransom Any Mario game Playstation - 1 and 3 MGS 2-4 MediEvil Uncharted 3 Midnight Club LA Sly Cooper Series ( I play through the first game every month... ) Xbox - original and 360 Star Wars: Republic Commando (At least 1 level a day. O_O) KOTOR II SSX 3 Halo 4 Battlefield 3 Skate 3 Rockband 3 NHL 13 Tekken 6 KOF98UM KOF2002 KOF XIII Minecraft PC- APB: Reloaded SWTOR Star Trek: Online Black and White The Movies GMOD Age of Chivalry I think I got it all.... O_o
  6. I have 3 different versions of the Card game.
  7. Words cannot express what we have witnessed this day....
  8. Welcome to The Community!
  9. At this point... IDK if i'm doing a video this week. I've got a lot of crap to do... I'll see what I can do.
  10. I haven't played Dead Space. I may do Mass Effect though....
  11. Is it almost ready? I must craft and mine... or I will... um.... not craft and mine? IDK.....
  12. I like the Color choice, but the leg armor is too minimal for my tastes. 8/10 https://spartans.svc.halowaypoint.com/players/xXRC%20BossXx/h4/spartans/fullbody?target=large
  13. I have no intention of giving up, but I need to try to garner support anyway I can. New video next Monday, I haven't decided what on yet, Post suggestions.
  14. I need regular viewers.... I need subscribers.... If three people watch my videos, I'm not gonna bother trying to get money from them... and even if I had a lot of viewers, it seems like poor character to ask them for money.
  15. No. I wish I did. that's a fan made comic I found on http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/ Check it out if you want. Its pretty funny.
  16. Eh... Maybe. I can't really do a lot of the newer games, because I don't have money... And i need money... Moooonnney.... I also need subscribers.... So please subscribe.... Or i'll film me punching a cute animal.
  17. It's Monday! A new video! Yaaaaaay me! Subscribe..... Do it...... C'mon.... You know you want to.... That subscribe button is so pretty....
  18. Who are you and why are you reading this?

    1. Cooliest


      Cooliest and because it's in the side bar.

    2. Church


      I am me, and my reasons are my own.

  19. Battlefront was always fun. They need to make Battlefront 3, and Republic Commando 2... Soon... C'mon Disney, move some of that money around....
  20. Well, Welcome to the Community!
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