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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Razgriz squad sat waiting at the Evac point. Mathison looked over to Ty, who was lost in thought. "Something on you mind, kid?" "Something just feels... off" "What?" "They sent us here to pull security because this area was too dangerous to leave it to the Jarheads..." "Yeah, And?" "And.... Nothing. That's the problem. Promethean's have never just let us set up a base before..." "And that's a good thing right?" "No.... that's bad. They must have some kinda plan...." Their conversation was cut off by the distinctive roar of a Pelicans turbines. "Saddle up kiddies! rides here!" The pelican swung down and hovered over the ground. Razgriz squad piled in and settled in for the ride back to the Eagle's Talon. Mathison sat next to Ty. "Let me tell you one thing son, Don't worry about the overall situation. You'll go crazy. Focus on you, and your team, you'll get the job done, and let the higher ups worry about the long term."
  2. Parker spun around and returned the salute. "Malachi, right? What can I do for you?"
  3. D-38 Boss

    Hey there!

    Hey, Welcome to the Community!
  4. Got a new computer. Gonna start breaking it in. So far, I hate windows 8...

  5. I'm just gonna leave this here....
  6. Alright. I've no problem with that. The more the merrier. Here's your mission BTW: "JL, We've got a bit of a stretch here, but we figured it be worth checking out. Reports are coming in of a cloaked ship positioned on Mars. We managed to get a few I.D. hits, suggesting it's a covenant ship. We're sending you there to investigate. It's a medium sized Destroyer class, so expect Sanghelli and Unggoy to be there inn decent numbers. get into the ship, Find out what it's doing there, and destroy it. Make it look like an accident. The truce between the humans and Covenant is Shaky at best. We need to make sure this situation doesn't get out of hand. Good Luck."
  7. Mathison Grunted as he lifted the large Iron beam. The techs needed help with the last piece of the Gate, which would signal their departure. "There. That ends one boring A-- mission." Mathison lit up his comm. "Talon Actual, This is Razgriz Actual. Mission is complete, requesting Evac." "Affirmative, Razgriz. Pelican is on the way. Pretty quiet eh? Over." "I'll take a Boring Mission over a Bloody one anyday Talon. Out." "Another day, another deployment, eh Sarge?" Ty said. "Another mission under your belt kid. Wouldn't be surprised to see you get your own lead after this trips over." "Not my thing, Sarge. Just like to Blow stuff up." "Alright. definitely not running out of things to blow up anytime soon." "God bless the UNSC eh?" "Damn straight son."
  8. Welcome to the site. Hope you stick around.
  9. "Just getting to know our newest crew member. We weren't expecting a Spartan. Although If I'm not mistaken, Command has decided to send more..." Parker stroked his mustache in thought. "At any rate, if you have any questions, feel free to find me or ask Miller, the ships A.I., Or any of the crew for that matter."
  10. Let it be known that my "Guest" will no longer be joining us. Something about swords.... I dunno i faded out for a bit.
  11. "Wolfpack Three, we've received your upload. We're need to decode it before we can take a look at it. if there's anything else you need to do, get it done. Evac in 20. Out" ------------------- Ty was leaning against the pillar of the gate. "Ok, Sigourney Weaver, or Natalie Portman?" Logan asked. "Why are we still doing this?" "You got a better idea?" "No..... Natalie I guess..." "Why?" "'Cause." "Why?" "Drop it." "Fine. I woulda went with Sigourney. Much more attractive in Aliens." "I hate you." Logan hit his comm button. "Riteoff. Rockstar, all quiet?" "As a Nursery at Nap time." "Bad analogy." "Whatever... we're fine here." "Hell of an assignment eh?" "You'll wish you could have assignments like this at some point kid." "Sure. Rockstar out."
  12. I wear movie grade Star Wars costumes for charity. I think I like it. Why?
  13. Conker: Live and Reloaded Now, this friggin' game....... God. Damn. Conker: Live and Reloaded was an Original Xbox remix of the Cult classic Conker's Bad Fur Day on the N64. A game with Cute and Lovable animal characters, who get drunk, kill each other, swear like sailors, and urinate in public. Charming. Don't get me wrong though, this games a blast. The humor is raunchy, but in a society that still thinks Family Guy is funny, this game fits right in, with more talented writing. The game makes a lot of jokes about how the game designers changed parts of the game from the original, one incident in particular, the switch from Conker using a frying pan, to a blood drenched, nail filled, bat. Other than a few minor changes, and a huge graphical overhaul, the game remains the same as the N64 version. The story literally consists of crap that happens as Conker tries to get home. Along the way the game makes references to Movies such as Van Helsing, Saving Private Ryan, The Matrix, and Alien. Now, for the LIVE portion. The online/ Multiplayer portion of the game follows the war between the SHC (That's Squirrel High Command) and the Tediz (Zombie Nazi Teddy bears. Adorable.) You play story based missions with objectives similar to CTF, King of the hill, and others. The game plays as a third person, class based shooter. The Classes range from your basic Grunt, to the sword wielding Sneaker, to the big, dumb, dangerous Heavy, to the maniac Thermophile. Every class has specific weapons, gear, and abilities, as well as vehicles. for example, the Grunt can spawn a Jeep or a Quad, while the Sky Jockey can only spawn a jet. The thermophile can span a jeep too, but instead of a machine gun, it has a flame thrower. The heavy gets a tank. 'nuff said. Graphics - as a remake of an N64 game, in comparison, this game is beautiful Gameplay - some times you may hit a spot where the platforming or combat gets painful. but otherwise this game is fun. Sound - the music is great, and the voice acting is humorous. making this game a great time waster. Final rating - 8/10 Conker: Live and Reloaded is a rare find now, and I'm lucky to have kept my copy, as it fetches anywhere from 80-170 dollars on Ebay.
  14. Ima make a huge military base.... i always do... I'll put it away from any towns though. that way other people have room to build.
  15. Has anyone tried to do more so act like because can be right when you get? I was the first.

  16. ((I'm going to assume you wanted me to reply...)) "Wolfpack 3, this is Talon Actual, Solid Copy." Miller Said. "Try to find out what happened there. look for records, surveillance cameras, anything. How copy?" ---------------- Ty and Logan had finished pulling up their overwatch post. they began the short walk back to the barracks. "I don't understand..." Ty said. "Hm?" "I mean, F--- this is Requiem. A few weeks ago this place was swarmed. I doubt the Prometheans are scared to attack because we showed up...." "Maybe they have more important things to do." "When you have more important things to do then stopping an enemy from building a friggin' fortress on your home planet..... that's a scary thought...." "You're over thinkin' it." "I don't know.... just doesn't feel right."
  17. Excellent! You're in! Fell free to make an introductory post on the off duty thread, and ask me if you'd like to be assigned a mission. Also, if you want to run extra characters you can, it's just one character is your main, the extra's would be in his/her squad.
  18. I wish Trigun had run longer....
  19. So, another review. I wonder if anyone will read this one? Nope. Prolly not. SSX 3. The SSX series started on the PS2 as a no boundaries snowboarding game, where the tricks are huge, and the characters are even wilder than the tricks. SSX Tricky is where it hit big, but not where it hit the mark. SSX 3, on the other hand, was pure gaming bliss. The game has a cast of extremely colorful characters. Psymon Stark, Described as a Natural Disaster waiting to happen. he thrives on chaos, and has broken almost every part of his body. He also broken anything that can be broken. usually with a part of his body, See the relation? It's his second time on the tour. Moby Jones, A U.K. Funk Junkie who never loses his cool. He's one of the returning veterans. Kaori Nishidake, A Hyper happy Japanese girl, who can never lose her sunny disposition. Also a veteran. Zoe Payne, A fan Favorite and a Motocross champion. Don't mistake Goth for Emo around her. you won't live through the reprisal. Another veteran. Elise Riggs, Actor, Model, and SSX veteran. what's not to like? Mackenzie "Mac" Fraizer, (My personal favorite) Is one of the youngest competitors, but it's his third tour. He's a self styled DJ, who always rides to his own soundtrack. Some new faces include Allegra Sauvagess, A new arrival, but an Uber talented rider. (Get it, UBER?... if you played the game that would be funny to you.) Viggo Rolig, A Swedish Ladies man, and Party animal. Nate Logan, A down home country boy, and a natural born rider. And finally Griff Simmons. A twelve year old, Sugar stoked engine of riding skill. (A funny thing, he actually becomes the antagonist in the reboot that just came out.) So pick one. they all start with the same skills, but different Uber tricks. (Uber. See? there. the point of the game is to do Uber tricks. that was the joke earlier.) All the characters have more clothing you can purchase later, along with unlock-able boards and gear when you win events. The game Is a dream to play, smooth, interesting, and fun. You advance by beating three races, or the Slope Style, Big Air, and Super pipe trick events, then you challenge the peak boss. (Unless you play as one of them, they are always 1: Mac, 2: Nate, 3: Psymon) Once you beat them, you go for a time trial, or a high score run of the Peak. Leading to the grand event, A time trial, or a score run of the whole mountain. The peaks each have their own vibes. Peak 1 is the easiest, and it's major problem is avalanches in the back country. Peak 2 is experiencing major storms, including ridiculous winds that toss you around like a paper bag. Peak 3 is the be all end all, with major Ice chunks breaking, planes crashing and general chaos as you ride it with style. Gameplay: Beautiful controls, awesome tricks, and a refreshing game mechanic all make this game a fun experience that never gets old. Graphics: Cartoony, but in a good way. fantastic graphics for the original Xbox. Sound: This is where the game sells itself, Not only are the Characters all voice acted and have ridiculous personalities, but the games sounds great, and the sound track? Don't get me started. a mix of Hip-Hop, Electronica, and Alternative give this game a soundtrack that keeps it rfresh and sets you in a mood to pull off Amazing tricks. (Snowboard Kickflips anyone?) Final rating: 9.5/10 The sound track, characters, and gameplay are all extremely pleasing. If you asked me to give a reason why it's not a 10, I couldn't explain it in a way that's satisfactory. My main reason would be, snowboarding games are a small genre for a small market, and this game just didn't get the attention it needed. *Slides away*
  20. Oooo An RPer. Welcome to the site. If you're looking for an RP feel free to PM me about ours. Other then that, have a great time around the site!
  21. Good for you Red! I haven't talked to you much, but I had fun with you on one of the playdates. Hope to get to know you a little better.
  22. An Air purifier. Maybe I can cure the virus with it?
  23. Razgriz squad was on a patrol on Requiem. The base that was being built had a few more days to go before they could leave, and it had been Brain-meltingly boring so far. "We could play I-Spy again." Joe said. "Reload, If you say I-spy one more friggin' time, I'm going to gut you." Mathison groaned. The monotony of Patrol was something none of them were used to, but the danger of an attack in this area demanded a more experienced team on patrol. "Replay to Riteoff. come in" Mathison's radio crackled. "I read you, send it." "All quiet over here, anything on your end? Over." "Nada. ain't a damn thing here. over." "Alright, we'll check in again in 10. Replay out." Ty and Logan were in an overwatch position about 800 meters from the front gates. Ty reached into his pack and pulled out a bag of beef jerky. "Want some?" He said to Logan, who didn't respond. Ty could hear his music blaring in his headphones as he diligently stared down the Scope of his rifle. Ty held a piece of jerky in front of the scope. Logan looked up and grabbed it, before going back to his surveillance "You're welcome...." Ty chewed on a piece of jerky and looked into his binoculars again. "Sun'll be down in a couple hours... gonna be just as boring...." He thought.
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