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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. I'm gonna suture up my future, I ain't jaded, I just hate it. See, I been down too long, It's kinda hard to explain. Done and buried all I carried.

  2. I can kinda write, and I may be able to voice act. Depends on how you're recording it.
  3. ((Dryskim, in the interests of keeping the Mods from shutting down the thread, can you keep it PG-13?)) Razgriz had just returned from their mission, and we're sitting in their bunk room, shooting the breeze. "I'm telling you, Tupac is the best thing to happen to music." Joe Said. Mathison shook his head. "yeah because music sucked before right? Beach Boys, Doors, The Beatles? Totally irrelevant because of Tupac right?" "I'm not saying they didn't do their part, I'm saying Tupac made a bigger contribution." "How?" Ty said. "I don't exactly recall anyone other than rappers claiming Tupac as one of their influences, while almost everyone had inspirations from The Beatles in one way or another." "It's not the music, it's the Content. The stuff he rapped about was hard, edgy stuff. no one else really did that before him." "If you wanna talk about hard and edgy stuff, listen to Bad Religion. especially the early stuff. Tupac Started in 1990, Bad Religion started in 1973, and people have accused them of being Satanists, bit more Edgy then Tupac if I do say so myself." Ty said with a smirk. "I ain't even mad Ty. I ain't even mad." Joe mocked him. "Whatever. What about you Logan?" "XTC. no discussion." Ty shrugged. "I can get behind that."
  4. So I somehow managed to get lost and end up in another state today... <_<

  5. Inside the ship, Logan was working on opening the door. "Damned Covies upgraded their firewalls..." "I don't care Rockstar, get it open." Ty was covering the lift. "How does this thing work?" Joe turned to him. "I'd tell ya, but you wouldn't understand." Ty flipped him off. Mathison snapped his fingers. "Cut the chatter you two." Logan turned around. "Doors open!" The squad moved through the door. Ty took point and moved along the hallway. "I don't understand? is this ship abandoned?" "Looks that way... Unless...." Mathison paused. "Check the corners, look for light refraction, discoloring, anything that catches your eye, we might have some stealth troops hanging around." Joe kept walking along the left wall of the corridor they we're in. "Riteoff, I'm getting a bad feeling about this..." Ty scrathed his head. "So?" Mathison responded. "Kid, His 'bad feelings' have kept me alive plenty of times. tighten up, 360 degree security." They moved slowly onto the ships bridge. Mathison took a position on the upper platform. "Rockstar, grab what you can from the database, anything at all. Replay, do what you do best kid. I don't want a single piece of this ship left after we leave." "Done!" Ty jogged off, pulling chunks of plastic explosive from his bag. Logan Started pulling files from the computer. "Riteoff! you need to see this." Mathison Ran over to Logan. "What's the deal?" "Sir, they had another trip logged and ready to go, this ship was headed for earth next, and they we're loaded for bear..." "What happened to the crew?" Logan pulled up crew records. "They're all listed as K.I.A. in the Covenant database, but all with dishonorable Execution. Seems they we're a splinter group trying to start a full blown war." "So, they were all killed, by the covenant, to prevent them from attacking earth?" "Remember, The covenant has civilians too. public opinion isn't a solely human problem. a full scale war would drain resources on both sides. But if Earth were visibly attacked, Command would have no choice but to fight back." Mathison's radio crackled on. "This is Replay, 15 mikes till this ship is nothing more than a cloud of smoke. how copy?" "Solid Copy Replay, Sorry but it looks like we're not gonna get a decent fight this time. Command is dropping a Transport Hog outside, we need to clear this zone and get to a clear spot for a pickup." "Got it. I'll head out and light a flare, get moving sir. Replay out." After a few minutes, they were sitting in the Warthog watching the burning wreckage of the ship crash into the ground. Mathison hit hit radio button. "Command, Razgriz has completed the mission, We have some data for the Admiral to see."
  6. "Ace, if you can stop whining about your pay for five minutes, I have a mission for you. We've received word that an elite on Requiem is gathering a following of Knights. I don't even care how, I just want him eliminated before he can cause trouble. Go in, put him and his cohorts down, get out. We're expecting about 20-30 Knights of various ranks, along with 10 or so Elites. Get it done."
  7. Admiral Parker shook his head as Pershing stomped out. he turned to Mack. "As of right now, the Colony has been out of contact for 72 hours. if it was a radio problem, it would have been fixed by now, but i don't rule it out...."
  8. If I deem it necessary, and this becomes a repetitive situation. Don't worry about it. Here's your new mission. "Kel, We've got a... delicate situation forming. In case it wasn't obvious, we're not fully at war with the covenant yet. everything we're doing is off the record, on BOTH sides. Now, the insurrectionists on Mars have taken a prominent Elite Field Marshall hostage. They've locked him up, and are planning to execute him in a large broadcast to almost every inhabited planet in the galaxy. I don't need to tell you if the Covenant see this, this Cold war will heat up in an instant. You'll be dropped about 5 kilometers from the base, in a heavily terraformed area. It's amazing how technology can alter planets eh? Anyway, due to the terraforming this area is a thick wooded area. Due to the Insurrectionists, this area is heavily booby trapped. We can't drop you any closer though or else they'd execute him on sight. That includes seeing you when you get inside, so consider this a stealth mission. Get in, get him, get out. our pilot will bring you to a moon of Neptune afterward, where a covenant group will be waiting to exchange hostages. Good Luck, this is about as important a mission as it gets."
  9. Admiral Parker shook his head. "Wait one minute Mack! I have something for you to do." He turned to Ace. He took the paper out his hands. "Maybe if you could go one mission without needing a trip to the medbay, we'd have the money to pay you fully. Your pay cut is to cover food, Room and Board, and to pay for some new toys in the Rec Room. everyone is getting it. and before you complain to me about pay, bear in mind that I've been working this entire mission Gratis. I don't get a single penny. Now double time it to your bunk." He turned to Mack. "We've got a small situation developing in a colony on Harvest. Dry Falls has gone dark. Now, we don't think the Covies are involved, the colony was not, gentle, in showing their hatred toward the UNSC. I need you to go down there, figure out what happened, and if necessary, eliminate anyone trying to rebel. We have enough Insurrectionists, every colony that joins them is a loss, but we don't have the resources to persuade them not to rebel." Parker pulled off his hat and wiped his brow. "Any questions?"
  10. Not necessary, Yet. Just message me if you want to try anything like that. or post here and wait for people to offer their opinions.
  11. (( Gotta be forceful some times. lest the kiddies get outta line. ))
  12. Well it's resolved either way. People will just need to go through a lockdown. Should be interesting to see how Characters spend their time in solitary.
  13. Adm. Parker slammed his fist on the intercomm button. "Now hear this! I don't care what petty squabbles you have, this is my ship! Now fall in line and get to your bunks for a mandatory 24 hour lockdown. Anyone found outside of their bunk in the next 20 minutes, who is not an authorized personnel, I'll come down there and throw your sorry A-- out the nearest air-lock myself!"
  14. Minor Conflict between characters is okay. No one is gonna be thron off by a fist fight between A couple of crew members. But a full blown mutiny attempt is overdoing it.
  15. Ty was crouched in a dune in the ground. He was using his spotting scope. "Rockstar. Eyes on Reload and Riteoff. Due east." "Affirmative. Let's pack up and meet them." Ty Jumped up and jogged over to them. "Replay, any activity from our guests?" "Negative sir, possibly abandoned. but I wouldn't put any money on it." "Got it. Let' see if the lift works." Logan walked up. "Anyone wanna bet if it's empty?" Joe pulled out a 5. "I bet 5 it's not." Ty rolled his eyes. "You know he won't pay you." Mathison snapped his fingers. "Hey! can we get back to, ya know, being ODSTs?" Ty jogged past him. "Come on! I've never used a grav lift before!"
  16. (( I leave for one day, and my RP gets Hi-jacked. Seriously... I don't mind people being creative, but if there was going to be a major conflict on the ship, I'd like to be told about it first.))
  17. NO! NO NO NO! NOOO! I deny that motion. Off duty is off duty. it's where you show your character in in their down time. Keep action to the mission thread. Don't do anything like this with out asking me first.
  18. I was waiting for anyone to post.... O_o BACON! I COMMANDETH THEE TO POST!
  19. "Kel. No one thinks of you any worse then anyone on this ship. But Command wants to see their Human investments pay off. Most of the guys on the Command Board now we're enlisted men when The Covenant glassed Reach. Don't be surprised to see them a little uneasy about a Sanghelli, AN ARBITER no less, being on one of humanity's most secret projects." Parker sighed. He may not have many responsibilities, but Playing peace keeper was one he wished he didn't have.
  20. Parker sat with McCoy in his office. "What's the problem now Doc?" "It's Murphy. Damn kid doesn't know his A-- from his elbow." "I thought he was a good physician?" "He is, but he thinks Star Wars is the greatest Sci-Fi ever." "Jardine... get the hell out of my office." Jardine stood up. "Fine, don't come crying to me when You need a doctor." "And don't come crying to me when I have the crew drop you on some barren planet." Jardine paused for a minute. "Point taken." "Back to work Doc. Some Tech probably sliced off a finger while we've been sittin' here."
  21. If we can get people back into the thread, I'd gladly continue. But most people posted for a bit then left.
  22. Yes. because it would require everyones character to start at Pvt. and I would decide who would be promoted based on the post quality. I don't want to do that because people will get angry if I didn't promote them. So.... guess not.
  23. Chicken Swiss Lettuce Onions Pickles Green Peppers Banana Peppers What ever sauce I feel like. (Usually either BBQ, Chipotle, or Buffalo.) Deliciousness.
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