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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Promotions? IDK... We said no to the ranking thingy... I suppose we could, but you'd have to stop at a point if you want to stay in Field operations. Past Colonel you don't go out and fight.
  2. ((Harsh... O_o)) Ty walked over to the auxiliary pod and opened it, and pulled the mongoose out. "Ready to go Rockstar?" "After you." They hopped on and Ty started the engine. "Gonna need to drive a bit away, else they're gonna hear the motor." Mathison waved him off. "Do what you gotta. Now get goin! we're on the clock." "Yes sir!" With that, Ty drove off with Logan hanging on the back of the Mongoose. Mathison turned to Joe. "Ready?" He hefted his SAW. "A Petripalo is always ready." "And I'm sure that means somethin' to someone kid. Let's move it. Double time." They jogged off. "Riteoff, this is Rockstar, Come in." "Rockstar, I read you, send it." "Were about 300 Meters from the drop point. Nothing on the ground right now. Still want us to set up Overwatch?" "Negative, Hold position. Radio in if anyone Pokes their head out." "Got it. Rockstar Out." Mathison slowed his pace a little. Joe turned to face him. "Problem?" "Not as young as I used to be." "NO really?" Joe said sarcastically. "I thought age was a load of crap?" "Go to hell kid." "Already there." Mathison matched Petripalo's pace, and the continued to the RP.
  3. (( Yoshi, I approved this, but next time wait for a response before you post here.)) Miller appeared in front of the drop pods. "We're dropping you on a pass, so take note that we may be off the target zone a bit. Good Luck Razgriz." Miller disappeared. A voice crackled on in the pods. "Drop in 30 seconds." Ty readjusted his harness. Joe rearranged his HUD. "10 seconds." Mathison cracked his knuckles. "5.......4....." Logan Closed his eyes. "3......2....." Ty held his breath. "1. Launch." The four drop pods shot from the tubes. they drifted down for a bit, before hitting the Atmosphere, and began gaining speed. Mathison reached forward and hit the Inter-pod button. "Everyone in formation?" "Reload, Affirmative." "Replay, Right on the money." "Rockstar, I'm off a bit, readjusting." "Alright, we get down there, I want to split up and move to the Rendezvous Point in buddy teams, Replay, you're spotting for Rockstar. Get to and Observation point and get an overwatch on the ships grav lift." "Roger." "You got it." The pods rocked as the Airfoils deployed. "10 seconds to impact, Brace!" The pods slammed into the ground, and Razgriz jumped out and secured their starting point.
  4. Adm. Parker was sitting in the briefing room, Miller was telling him about the latest budget changes. "So, we may need to cut down on some staff..." "No. we need everyone we've got right now. Give command some of the non-classified mission reports. they'll change their tune once they see their investments pay off." "Right." Miller brought up a panel and began selecting some of the mission details to send off. Though impressive, he decided sending the Arbiter's mission reports would help much. Command wants to see HUMAN accomplishments. He sent off some of Griffin Squads results and closed the panel. "we'll see what they say about that Admiral." "Good. Anything else?" "A ping on the radar near Reach, sir. I recommend sending Valentine to investigate for now." "Ok. go for it." Parker scratched his head. He felt more useless every second. At his rank, he was respected, but had no responsibilities. Command handled the decisions, Miller handled the Logistics and Paperwork. He was more of a puppet to keep the troops in line. "Any thing I can do Miller?" "Nothing sir. everything is already in motion." Parker sighed. "Guess I'll head to the bridge." "Yes sir. I'll let you know if something comes up."
  5. Ty locked his M7 into place to his left. He pulled his Hat down tight on his head, and slipped the oxygen mask over his face. "Testing Inter-pod comms. Can everyone hear me?" "Yeah, I hear you Ty." Joe said. "Wish I couldn't" Logan replied. "I read ya kid. first drop, Ya nervous?" Mathison asked. "No way! I'm excited! It'll be like the worlds best rollercoaster!" "Sure you wouldn't rather wear a helmet?" "I don't like the helmets, they're uncomfortable." "So's a Plasma bolt to the head." Logan muttered. "Love you too Logan." Ty laughed. Mathison hit a button on his Pod's console. "All right, this mission's on the Clock. Callsigns from here on out. Razgriz, Checking in. Riteoff up." "Reload, Up." "Rockstar, Up." "Replay, Up." "Razgriz is Green for deployment, Command. Shoot us where you need us." To Be Continued.
  6. Saints Row 2 Review Saints Row 2 follows your character from SR1, who wakes up from a Coma 4 years after Julius tried to kill him in an explosion. He wakes up in prison, and meets fellow inmate Carlos Mendoza, who helps you escape. You then find out that the Saints no longer exist, and there are three new Gangs in their place, The Brotherhood, The Ronin, and The Sons of Samedi. You rescue Johnny Gat from his trial in which he is trying to appeal over 300 convicted murders. You learn more has changed in the past few years, including that a corporation known as Ultor (The Evil Company from Red Faction) Has taken over the city, by funding it's reconstruction. You then make a new HQ, Recruit three lieutenants (Carlos, Pierce, and Shaundi.) And proceed to take back the city. Gameplay - The game play is fun, and focused on Mayhem. Driving is fun and some cars can reach ridiculous speeds. Gun play is simple, and your character is ridiculously accurate. Also apparently you can heal your self after being shot 3000 times by eating a burger. But, the focus of this game is not realism, or challenge, but pure, raw, stupid fun. Also From the first Voalition added in Motorcycles, Helicopters, and Planes. Sound - The guns are passable in the sound area, but that's hardly a condemning point. The soundtrack is expansive, covering Hip-Hop, Country, Metal, Techno, Reggae, Alternative, Classic Rock, even Classical and Easy Listening. The dialogue is Humorous, and the people walking around Stilwater spew hilarious lines at the drop of a hat, or the firing of a gun, as the case may be. Graphics - The cartoony kind of graphics aren't great, but they are complimentary to the Humor of the game. Rating - 8.5/10 Saints Row has always been a favorite series of mine, and the extensive Customization is one of the main reasons why.
  7. (( you did, and I've posted one for you. Check the OOC thread.))
  8. We have to go with an Elite for this one, and who better than the arbiter. We need to find out more about the Prometheans, and they seem to not attack Covenant on sight. We're dropping you on requiem, near forward base Hotel. They've been having repeated attacks from Promethean knights. Try to find where they are coming from, Eliminate them, and, If possible, Bring back something we can study, Armor plate, Promethean Soul, Anything. Good luck. Parker out. I know you did a great job on your last mission Ace, but we need to keep you out of direct combat for a bit while you recover from your little "Playdate" with the arbiter. On Earth's moon, Luna, we're training a Civilian Militia, A kind of first line against covenant attack. They're Greener than grass, and they need An expert instructor. that's you. Run them through some war games, train them in hand to hand, what ever you think they need. Just a heads up, Some of these guys really have it out for each other. we have a zero tolerance policy for any unnecessary competition. They get out of line, beat 'em back in. Parker out.
  9. Smith shook his head. "Didn't listen the first time eh? General Maximillian T. Smith, O.F.O. Commander."
  10. PAAASTAAA I prefer the German Cafe episode. Hetalia FTW.
  11. ((I'll decide what a "Talon" mission would be. I'll make one eventually, but for now, keep rollin' along)) Parker saluted Valentine. "I'll trust your judgement on this one." He turned and walked back to the bridge. ---------------- Ty stumbled backward after being shoved. "Hey! what's your-" He felt Mathison's hand on his shoulder. "Pick your battles wisely kid. this is one you wanna avoid." Ty scratched his head. "What the hell's his problem?" "Dunno, but I don't think getting into an argument with an Arbiter is a good idea.... Razgriz! Drop bay! Double time!" The squad jogged out of the briefing room.
  12. Hope you come back! I wish you the best!
  13. Ty sat down next to Logan. "He was in the Rec room, wasn't he?" Logan asked. "No..." Mathison said. "Yes he was. I told you he was, that'll be $20" "Later. Where's the Admiral?" Miller appeared on the table. "The Admiral is busy, I'll be briefing you instead. There's a Covenant Class 3 Carrier positioned above a moon near Harvest. They don't know we've located them. so if we passed by, they won't bug out. We can't send you down with a pelican, but we can hot drop you about a klick from it. From there, make your way under it. They may be setting up a camp there, so expect hostiles. once there, get inside the ship, and destroy it. Once your inside, we can send a Pelican to extract you, I doubt we'll need to worry about being quiet once you get inside." Miller dissolved. Ty jumped up. "Awesome, lets go get ready!"
  14. I'm just putting up the briefing for my mission. Razgriz squad, we have a mission that requires your.... Talents. There's a Covenant Class 3 Carrier positioned above a moon near Harvest. They don't know we've located them. so if we passed by, they won't bug out. We can't send you down with a pelican, but we can hot drop you about a klick from it. From there, make your way under it. They may be setting up a camp there, so expect hostiles. once there, get inside the ship, and destroy it. Once your inside, we can send a Pelican to extract you, I doubt we'll need to worry about being quiet once you get inside. Miller out.
  15. Smith hit his intercom. "U.C.R.S. Send your traffic."
  16. Ty managed to find the tags in the pile of Soup that used to be two people. "Man... this is f---ed..." He grabbed Jacky's XM8 and slid it along the ground to Jozef. "Thanks!" Both moved up, firing in bursts until they had reached the Hangar door. Ty pulled the door open and they both ran in. Ty pointed to a Hornet "Get that thing ready, I'll hold them here." "Don't we still need to destroy this place?" "Don't worry about it." Ty pulled the door shut as much as he could and fired out of the opening. After a few minutes Jozef called out. "We're good! Lets get out of here! Hit that switch over there to open the ceiling shutters!" Ty ran over and hit the button. Then he ran over to the hornet and grabbed onto the side bar. "How in the hell was this better than the Falcon? Get us out of here!" Jozef got the Hornet into the air and pulled away from the base, toward the Exit of the Cavern. Ty Looked down at his watch. "Oh crap... Jozef speed it up or we're dead!" "This thing isn't a jet, I can't go any faster!" "Do something! anything!" The Hornet lurched forward, Ty nearly lost his grip as he swung around and slammed against the canopy. He looked back to see a huge Plasma explosion rumbling towards them. "Crap!" Just before the Plasma enveloped them, They exited the Trench and pulled to the right, avoiding the blast. "What the hell did you plant Ty?" "One of our new plasma charges. Some Sanghelli at R and D figured a way to get a bigger explosion with less plasma." Ty flipped the switch to his radio. "This is Sgt. MacMillan. Mission complete, Lt. Kirenov recovered, 2 Casualties. Tags recovered, bodies lost. How copy?" "Solid copy Sgt. RTB. Command Out." --------- General Smith leaned back in his chair. "Send a confirmation to the UNSC, standard fee." He leaned forward and hit a button on his intercom panel. "This is General Maximillian T. Smith, Commander of Omega Force Operations, Broadcasting on all frequencies. We have recently become available for hire. You can contact us on frequency 140.15. We will only discuss missions in person. Smith out." Smith leaned back again and smiled. Time to make some real money.
  17. If you would, I'm focusing on the little adventure i've got going. i'll be wrapping it up in a post or two.
  18. Nope. not to you. To SOMEONE ELSE who didn't read the rules properly. If it's cleared then go for it! I look forward to reading it.
  19. The mainthing is it's written in more of a literary format than roleplaying. Read some of the posts and look through the Offduty RP. As for working with some one, you'd have to PM them. Until then, just post in the Offduty thread, then let me know when you'd like a mission. AND DON"T POST IN THE MISSION THREAD UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED A MISSION. that goes for everyone.
  20. Gonna be freeing up my faction for interaction soon, keep an eye on the Thread, it'll be pretty obvious when it happens.
  21. His App was good, but we don't really need an Antagonist, due to the fact that the RP doesn't run on an Act-React type deal, so an antagonist would be pointless. Closest we have to Antagonists are the UNSC ten most wanteds, Which I will post and update later on. And HaloGeek just over Reacted, No need to go further into it. It happened.
  22. That's up to you. if you'd like to work together with someone, PM them. there's no time limit on these obviously. As a side note, I'd like everyone to bear in mind the point of this isn't for the UNSC to win, or to make your character the next Master Chief, Its for great stories, and sometimes failure makes a more gripping story then Success. just something for everyone to bear in mind for future missions.
  23. Full Scale conflict, think the battle on Reach.
  24. "Damn it Ace, I'm a Doctor, not the Candyman. Go find your own candy." ------ ((Yoshi if your trying to set up a mission for yourself with this, post in the OOC thread, I'd like to keep this Off-duty. Also, work on your punctuation a bit. )) Adm. Parker followed closely. "This might be out of our hands. Best course of action would be to run it up to the Command, who will most likely send it to ONI, then that'll be the last we hear of it..." ------ Ty was playing a game in the Rec Room when Mathison marched in. "Damn it kid! I been looking all over for you! we got a briefing in 5 minutes!" Ty looked over. "How was this not the first place you looked?" "Why would I look here first?" "They have Video Games in here.... I'm called Replay.... 2+2=4 sarge." "Keep your wise cracks for later kid... lets go." Ty hopped off the couch and grabbed his M7. "Why are you in full armor anyway kid?" Mathison asked. "So I don't have to take it off... then put it back on, then... ya know." "That take lazy to artful places..." "That, and I haven't been Able to un-pack my stuff yet..." "We've been here a week! How haven't you unpacked yet?" "Video games...." Mathison rubbed his head. "How the hell did you become an ODST?" Ty shrugged. "I dunno, lets just go."
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