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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Cadet MacMillan. Acting PFC. Breifing room. Lynnot Acadamy, Dublin Ireland, Earth. Ty sat in the middle of a crowd, Mainly so Cortez couldn't see him. He had always been uncomfortable around people. Attributing to His lack of friends. He gripped the handle of his pistol. What if he had to stick with Cortez the entire Simulation? Maybe he'd luck out. the area of the simulation was well over 20 Kilometers. He could slip away, work by himself. Ty watched as Cortez handed in his plan to Ares. "Here... Uh.... you. That's my plan for the simulation." ---------------------- Current Day, UNSC Infinity. Ty dropped to one knee. He'd been running this simulation for hours. 10 Elites, 5 with swords, all surrounding him. He hadn't survived it yet, and his body was going numb from the shocks he received every time he failed. Ty stood up, reloaded his MA5D, and started it again. The first Elite charged him, He spun and kicked it in the gut, knocking it back, but it's blade touched his leg, Shocking it and causing him to fall back. He scrambled to his feet and two more Charged at him, He fired and dropped their shields, dodging a burst from another's Storm Rifle. He wasn't paying attention to the one behind him. He felt a sharp shock and looked down. a Holographic Energy Sword has pierced through his back. He was dead again. Another shock hit as the Elites dematerialized. He dropped to all fours. "Damn it.... Not again..." He felt fatigued. Every muscle was telling him to stop. but he stood up, reloaded and started the simulation again.
  2. Lol. no. Syko! i choose you!
  3. ((Like I said, not everyone is gonna wanna do the flashback. keep it simultaneous. just specify which timeline you are posting in.)) Ty turned to Cortez. "I'm in your squad?" "That's right, And I need to pay you back gor that little stunt with my Paper in science." Ty scratched the back of his head. "Maybe you, uh.... printed the wrong one..." "Yeah. And maybe you just thought you were smarter than me." Ty stammered through his words as the 6"3' Cortez hovered over him. "Uh... I- uh. no I didn't- I never-" At 5"6' Ty was Smaller than some of the Female recruits even. "Oh really? Good. now give me that shotgun." Ty handed it over with out a single thought. "Oh, and your Hat. I like it." Ty took off his hat and held it behind his back. "Y-you don't really want my hat. i mean it's old a-a-and all nasty...." "I said, Give. Me. The. Hat." "No!" Cortez raised his fist, but Ty swept his foot out from under him, causing him to fall. He ducked past him and out to the briefing area where Cortez wouldn't risk causing trouble.
  4. Ty unknowingly crushed the can in his hand. A week-long Combat exercise? How could the Higher ups condone this? He was only in his second year, he had 4 to go. Hardly time to be ready for this kind of exercise. Ty headed to the Armory. if he was going to do it, he'd need to be ready. He slipped into his armor and Pulled on his favorite hat, a plain black ball cap, the only thing he had managed to take when the Marines evacuated him from New Mombasa. He paced rapidly. He was sure to end up the F.I.F.O. His mind raced. What would he do for his team? he decided he'd be in charge of finding food, as his up bringing had made him somewhat of a (If reluctant) outdoorsman. He had been firing Pistols since he was 6, and there would surely be small and big game to hunt for food. Ty slid his M6B into it's holster. Then checked his shotgun. Maybe everything would be fine? "Looks like your on my squad kid." Came Cortez's voice behind him. No. everything could not be worse.
  5. Ty walked into the Cafeteria and took his usual seat. By himself. in the corner. He began to eat the soup he had gotten from the line, but stopped. "Disgusting...." Ty could hardly stomach it. With the war getting more intense, supplies were growing limited. and apparently decent food had become a commodity. He noticed some of the other Cadets looking at him and whispering. he knew what it as about. His lack of a family wasn't exactly a secret, nor was it any bother to him. you can't miss what you never had. Ty opened his can of soda. at least there was something he enjoyed having.
  6. Ty just looked at Ares. "I'd say stop and take a breath but.... nevermind. Take it easy..." Ty walked off. He got to his science class early and took his seat near the back. He pulled up his desks holo-panel and looked at reports from Earth. New Mombassa had been completely destroyed. but Ty found no reason to care. He hated the dirt hole of a Farming Commune he grew up in, never knowing who his parents were. He scoffed and closed the report. Ty sat Back. Science, not his strong point but he was good enough to pass it. The teacher took Role-call. That Sgt.... Cortez was it? was seated next to him. Ty had heard about him. Effective ODST but sent back to the Academy when it was discovered he'd never passed his academic classes. Ty started on the Assignment. it was a short paper, Write a worded explanation, a diagram and a Long Equation on how the Plasma overcharge disables shields and vehicles. He finished in 10 minutes. He submitted it to the Instructor, getting the usual Rolling of the eyes from his class mates, and sat down. He sat down and pulled up a extranet site on the console. Cortez as looking over his shoulder. "C-can I help you with something?" "Here's how this is gonna work kid. Your gonna do my Paper for me, and I'm not gonna make your life a living hell, got it?" Ty looked over at Cortez, even sitting he had at least 6 inches on him. He pulled up the command prompt on his console. He took about a second and forwarded the paper over to Cortez's console. "There. just leave me alone." "Smart kid..." Cortez printed out the paper and went up to the Instructor. Ty chuckled to himself. He had put the wrong answers on Cortez's paper. If you can't out fight them, out smart them. Tactics 101. The End of day bell rang and Ty rushed out of the room. He had some time to kill, so he went back to is Room. Being on the Honor roll had awarded him a private room. not much, but enough to warrant some envy from his class mates. Ty locked the door and walked over to the bed. he knelt down and pulled the long black case out of it. He set it on the bed and opened it, revealing a long Black Bass guitar. One of his instructors last year had gave it to him as a present after he had helped him resolve an issue with his lesson plan. He plugged in his headset to the Bass's cable jack and started to play. It was these private moments he'd treasure, and Miss most.
  7. ((Am I Correct in assuming people are going to be using the Academy I referenced? the one in Ireland?)) Ty sat in his military history class. He loved it. History was his favorite subject in school growing up. Instructor Dawkins Turned to the class. "Can anyone tell me the name of the Warlord In Three Kingdoms Era china who was eventually Deified, who is credited as well with the invention of the Abacus?" Ty waited to see if anyone else knew it. he judged they didn't by their confused murmuring. He shot up his hand. "Yes Ty?" "Guan Yu. He fought under both Cao Cao, and Liu Bei. He was killed by Sun Quan, who sent his head back to Cao Cao, who buried it with a full ritual burial and honors." "Correct! Very good Ty." Ty smirked to himself. It wouldn't help him in battle, but it felt good know more than most. The muttering of his classmates made him feel uneasy though. Pvt. Franklin leaned over to him. "Why don't you spend more time at the range instead of studying all the time? you already know this stuff, and your aim's just crap." "I'm good with a sidearm." "Lotta good that'll do. those M6B's they give us can't even dent an Elites shields." "I prefer the M6CSOCOM. silenced and more powerful." The bell rang. Ty hopped up and headed out the door. He passed Ares along the way. "Hey Ares! Whats new?" ((This is actually a decent idea. But i'd split the posts into two. so we can keep the current story going.)) ------------ Ty was Sitting in the Firing range, whittling down his personal MA5D Assault Rifle to make the iron sight he had before. He lifted it to his shoulder and looked down the sights. "Perfectly aligned...." Ty stood up and walked over to the target range. He tapped the control panel and brought up an Elite Holo target. He set it to charge. for added motivation, He made it wield a sword. The Elite charged at him, he aimed his rifle at it and fired. The Elite jumped left and kept coming, Ty's ammo ran out. The elite ran him through. Ty felt a small electric shock where the Holo-sword hit him. "Damn....." He reloaded, pulled up the target again, and tried again.
  8. Name: Omega Force Operations World of origin: Ozguiliath, similar to Harvest in climate, snowy, but some patches of forest. Primary Species: Human. Composed mainly of former UNSC and disgruntled Militia. Other member species and their roles: Some Sanghelli. Left their respective factions for lack of belief in their goals, but joined OFO due to a need to fight. Flag:Black Background, Dark Green Omega symbol, with a simplistic design in white around the edges. Fleet sizes: 1 "Krevich" Class Capital Ship. 8 "Molenari" Class Frigates. (All restored UNSC ships) 500 "Berkut" Fighters (Retrofitted Su-47's made space worthy.) Population: Civilian humans: 5,000 (Mostly elders and children) Civilian Sanghelli: 1,000 Military Humans: 15,000 Military Sanghelli: 6,000 Other information: Mostly use Retrofitted Earth gear. Main weapon is an Updated XM8 with attached M-750 Underslung Grenade launcher. Side Arms are surplus M6B's. Most heavy Demolitions gear is Composed of Composition 4 and attached Plasma storage rods. No Specific Loyalty or side, OFO is considered a Mercenary System, fighting for the Highest bidder, Mainly fighting Rebels the UNSC Can't commit resources to deal with.
  9. Ty was sitting in the archive room. he was running command simulations on a console. He entered his I.D. as well as the I.D.s of Fuchs, Scott, and Soto. It brought up their relevant combat data, and lifted holographic images of them on the console. He set up the scenario in the Armory. he ran it over and over again. "That's not possible...." He was K.I.A. every time. no matter how he changed the entry and clear tactics. He ran the scenario with the actual data. "So..... I was the weakest link." The simulation rendered him dead. the elite should have killed him. but he survived. Only because of Soto. now that she had left. he was more likely to die then ever before. Ty pulled up various simulations. he tried different tactics, different squad make-ups, different loadouts. he even gave himself a Scorpion tank. nothing. the results screen kept reading. 3 GREEN 1 K.I.A. : MacMillan. Ty shut off the display and powered the console down. He sighed heavily. "I need to shape up. No new commanders arrived and i'm the senior ODST here. Gotta pick up the slack..." Ty hopped up and headed out to the firing range. He'd need to sharpen up his AR skills.
  10. Upon further thought i will run a faction. i'll have the details up soon.
  11. *shrug* I like doing them quick and to the point.
  12. I usually don't do long ones, i got tired of writing my own plot reviews after the first one. lol.
  13. "Yeah, you probably didn't hear what i said to the Admiral. I want Hazard dissolved, there's no reason to keep a two man team. unless we get some new team members in." Ty scratched his head. "I just..... I wasn't ready to lead a team.... not by a long shot. I mean.... every team has it's weakest link, but it should never be the squad leader...."
  14. Ty got impatient waiting for a reply. He walked off the bridge over towards medbay. "Logan! you up yet?" "Not too loud..... My head is killing me..." Came the mumbling reply. "Yeah, a cracked skull will do that." "Anton said it was dented." "If it was dented you'd be dead. Bone can't dent, it would have caved in. you had a skull fracture." ((O_O I'm looking at you HaloGeek.)) "Still hurt like hell...." "Yeah, but, that Arbiter could of killed you. not that I'm not happy you're alive, I'm just curious as to why he let you live." "Maybe He thought I was dead?" "Maybe....." Ty rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh..... Soto and Fuchs transferred off of the Infinity." "So..... it's just you and me?" "Looks that way." Ty shrugged. "Shoulda never gave me team lead. They probably left because I'm f---in' Inept as a commander." "I'm not gonna argue." Logan joked. "F--- off." Ty laughed back. "Maybe i should have left you on the bridge then." "I was comfortable there..." "Right. All busted up. I'm sure you could have taken a nap right then and there." "I did, remember?" "If you can't tell the difference between Passing out and falling asleep, I should have your head looked at." "I'm sure they won't find anything wrong that wasn't already there." "well, either way, it's good to see you up and moving about." Ty sighed. This had been one hell of a day.
  15. "Anton! good to see you back online, Nova did..... something, you might wanna run a systems check...." Ty said in relief. Ty set down carefully as the gravity came back online. Ty walked over in the bridge. New recruits had arrived. "Hey everyone, I'm Sgt. MacMillan, 3rd ODST's, the Admiral will be along soon, So allow me to bring you up to speed. We've just taken the Infinity back from the Covenant. If you see a flood corpse, don't be alarmed, we had to fight them too. just report it immediately, and someone will come over to dispose of it." Ty took a deep breath. "I'm gonna level with you, we've been having a rough time, and we've lost a lot of good people. just keep your head down, follow your commanders orders, and you'll be fine. Alright... I need to go to medbay, Admiral Delruse will be along to brief you further and give you your assignments. Any questions before I go?"
  16. LOL. read the post above the BF3MP review, i already reviewed it.
  17. Larkside. somebodies gotta play both sides.
  18. Battlefield 3 - MP review. Weapons - The wide variety of weapons are all really fun to use, but like with every game, there are a few guns widely considered to be OP. The attachments add a much welcomed variety, and the sound effects and mechanisms for each gun have been painstakingly recorded and recreated. Vehicles - Some consider them to be the bane of gameplay. Others the reason to play. It depends on your view point. Unlocks for the vehicles increase ease of use and adaptability as you use them. Tanks can unlock Guided shells, HP rounds, and canister shells, making them able to handle different types of scenarios, whether they be anti-infantry, vehicle, or air. Air vehicles are a little more black and white, you can tell who is good and who isn't instantly. the difficulty of flying a helicopter, staying alive, and getting kills is no small feat. Jets are a little simpler, but still takes skill to use effectively, and both required continued use to unlock their maximum potential. (Flares, stealth, Heat seeking missles, Unguided Rockets) Maps - Like every game, Some great, some good, some bad, some downright unenjoyable. Operation Metro and Grand Bazaar are favorites of the community, as Metro has 0 vehicles and amazing Close combat and heads up fighting. leading to long awesome firefights, and back and forth gameplay. Bazaar has only 4 vehicles (2 I.F.V.s 2 jeeps) , and a long central alley in which teams fight for control. Damavand Peak is great, but only on rush. being attacker on rush and making it to the third set of objectives grants you an awesome base jump. a huge clifftop base down to an oil dump, then to a long tunnel with long range fighting and tight hallway skirmishes. On the more vehicle centric side, you have Caspian Border, a huge battlfield with huge tank battles, and good forest infantry fights while dogfights rage overhead and helicopters support their respective sides, whether strafing ground targets or using heat seekers on jets and other choppers. DLC: The first DLC was Back to Karkand, holding a few favorite guns from older entries in the series, some vehicle from ealier games, and remastered maps: Most notably Strike at Karkand and Wake Island. (Wake Island has had a remade version in every single Battlefield.) Second came Close Quarters. All indoor, infantry combat maps, SMG's and Shotguns were added, and the Gun Master game type came into play. (Similar to Gun Game from CoD, but having a set path, 2 kills to advance, and ending with a knife. which, if you've played battlefield you know, is no easy feat to kill with.) Third as Armored Kill, Huge vehicle based maps, new vehicle types (Tank killers, mobile artillery) and vehicle only gameplay. This one was considered the weakest DLC as of yet. Fourth is Aftermath. in the story mode, the player is tasked with surviving after a major Earthquake in central Afghanistan. These maps are based on that. new weapon introduced in the form of the Crossbow. New gametype dubbed Scavenger, A game where you start with only a pistol, Knife, and one grenade, and have to find weapons as you go. they even went as far as giving the characters new skins, showing them beat up and missing gear. (except the sniper, who apparently found some sunglasses in the earthquake... O_o) Fifth is Endgame, which drops this march. Confirmed are a CTF gametype, and a mode introduced in Battlefield 1943, Air Superiority. A full on air combat game type, you gain points by having more planes and helicopters in the air than the enemy. Servers - the best server system in a game today, If you lag, its you. dedicated servers and player run servers are fully available, and servers can be rented for 180 MS points a month, giving you access to map and game play control, and kicking and banning players. Graphics - some of the best graphics you can find, mixed with the sound gives you an ultra realistic experience. overall rating - 8.5/10
  19. http://gamerant.com/battlefield-3-end-game-air-superiority/ Air superiority, The game mode from Battlefield: 1943, has been confirmed to be added in this new expansion, as well as maps based around fast paced gameplay, new vehicles including a speedy dirtbike, and finally CTF mode. Battlefield 3: End Game will land on all platforms in March 2013.
  20. Battlefield 3 time!

  21. The lights in the Training room flickered and cut out. Ty felt himself lifting off the floor. he hit the flashlight on his vest and looked around. "The hell? artificial Gravity is down?" Ty worked his way to the door and tried to open it. no power. he flipped the override switch and pushed it open. He floated his way down to the bridge. "Sir? What the hell is happening now?"
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