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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Ty tossed Nova aside. "Great..... Consider Hazard squad dissolved sir..." Ty walked off to the training room, feeling the need to blow off steam. Within his first command he had lost his entire squad. none of them were dead, but they may as well be. "I never should have been named squad leader...." He slammed on the button to open the door, walked in and dropped his gear. he started kicking one of the punching bags.
  2. Ty turned and grabbed Nova, slamming it against the wall repeatedly. "Now! is not! the time!" He punctuated each word with a bash on the wall.
  3. "Tell you what's happening?! let me recap, Logan's out cold in medbay after fighting an Arbiter, Soto and Fuchs are gone with out any apparent reason, and this F---in' lightbulb thing keeps zapping me. You wanna fill in the details? 'cause i'm a little short on information."
  4. Ty arrived on the bridge. he stormed up to the Admiral. "Why are Soto and Fuchs leaving?"
  5. Ty heard what the Admiral said over the comms. "What do you mean? they're leaving?"
  6. Ty sighed heavily. "Been awake three minutes, Anton's gone, Sentinels running around, and an annoying lightbulb is bossing me around..." Ty walked after the Monitor. "Mind telling me what i'm supposed to be doing?"
  7. Ty hoisted his pistol and aimed it at the Monitor. he moved between it and Logan "I do not take threats lightly, even one from an over-glorified light bulb. Now I was perfectly willing to co-operate before. now, I'm not so sure. how do I know you don't plan to get us to fire one of the halo installations? 343 was pretty set on that."
  8. "Why, precisely, Are you ordering me around? Is the Admiral ok?
  9. Hey! it's you! good to have you back!
  10. "Different Arbiter, they appoint new ones... it's some kind of, honorable punishment. and no..... Logan couldn't beat him." Ty hooked in his vest. He pulled on the hat he had taken and put the headset over his ears. "Soto, Fuchs, Report." He turned to the monitor. "The flood... uh.... Parasite still on the ship?"
  11. "uh.... Fist fight with a Covenant Arbiter..... Where did you come from?" Ty pulled his shirt back on. the heavy Kevlar weave of the ODST's shirts were good for stopping small cuts, but they were too warm for his liking. "Last monitor I had heard of was that 343 guy. And he uh.... wasn't exactly a good introduction to your kind."
  12. "Ow! damn it! Don't do that!" Ty rubbed his chest. "Energy sword. punctured my lung, And what do you mean Anton's dead for now?"
  13. Ty coughed. His chest felt like it was burning, but he could breath. He felt stronger than before. He looked down to see if he had been patched up, the only remnant of the surgery was a small scar on his chest, wide enough to cover the two burned points where the sword entered. "Anton, can you-" Ty looked up "Eahh! what the hell are you?!" Logan stirred on the medical bed. "Five more minutes mom......."
  14. "Negative...... Bauer..... I'm fine..... Relatively...... Speaking........" Ty swallowed. His throat was starting to swell. "I'm gonna.... try and.... get to the...... Medbay..... They should have........an Auto-surgeon.... set up...... down there.... MacMillan out......" Ty walked over to Logan. He lifted him up, swung his arm over his shoulders, and started out the door and down the hall. He could feel his body shutting down. "Come on...... Just a...... bit longer....." Ty managed to make it to the medbay. He help Logan into a medical bed, and went over to lock the door. He hit his comm. "Any units..... who need.... the medbay...... the door code..... is 134..... 068..... This is MacMillan.....signing off...... maybe...... for the last time......" Ty walked over to the auto-surgeon table. He flipped open the control panel. "How do you..... work this thing again?" Ty managed to pull up an assistant program. He set the Table to Autofix. "Autofix?..... That could...... be named better...." Ty undid his vest and pulled off his shirt. He laid down on the table and pulled the oxygen mask over his mouth. He put the Anesthetics cuff on this bicep, reached over, and pushed the start button on the panel. As his Body numbed and his consciousness closed in he spoke in Gaelic Irish: "Féadfaidh an bhiotáille féachaint thar na laochra an domhain, mar atá siad troid le haghaidh a n maireann." May the spirits watch over the warriors of earth, as they fight for their survival. Ty blacked out.
  15. Ty grunted and opened his eyes. His breathing was shallow. "Anton..... Status report........" He sat there for a few minutes in silence. "Anton?" Ty braced against the command console and hoisted himself to his feet. "Anton....... if this....... is a joke....... it's not.......funny......" Ty saw an infecter form on Anton's console. He drew his pistol and shot it. "Damn it....... I said..... lock the door...." Ty hit his comm. "Anyone....... on this...... frequency........ give me....... a sitrep......"
  16. Logan groaned..... That combo would have K.O.'d any human. he'd need to keep that in mind for next time, if there was a next time. His consciousness closed in, and he blacked out. ----- Ty stumbled down the hall. the bridge was just ahead. He saw there were flood up ahead, being decimated by automated defenses. Ty opened the bridge door and saw Logan lying in the SO's room, past a hole in the wall. his head was bleeding badly. "F---...." Ty stumbled over to the far wall. there was an emergency first aid kit. He unhooked it from the wall and took it over to Logan. Ty cleaned and bandaged his head and gave him a shot of Morphine. He looked into the first aid kit.... Empty.... "Damn.... looks like this is it......" Ty walked over to the command console and slumped against it. "Anton..... Lock the bridge door....... I'm gonna...... gonna rest my eyes for a bit..... wake me up..... when we're not on requiem anymore......." And with that, Ty shut his eyes.
  17. "WHAT?!" Anton, Help Logan, I'm on my way!" Ty stood up and ran toward the bridge, his legs slack from lack of blood. ------------ Logan hopped up. "I'm sure that was a complement. And boxing? it's the sweet science. the main thing about it, is" Logan lurched forward. "Ya gotta know when to play dirty!" Logan stomped on the Elite's foot, sending him off balance, then connected with a three piece combo, Dropping him to the floor. Logan heard a screech from down the hall. "Oh, no.... Anton! make sure no flood get close! not while i'm... otherwise engaged."
  18. The comms cut. "Anton? Wha-" Ty almost fell over. His ears were ringing, and his energy was draining. "Anton. sitrep. now." MEANWHILE... Logan pulled himself up. "I liked that rifle too." Logan launched himself from the SO's room, connecting with a solid Haymaker to the Arbiter's lower jam. "Three time middleweight Boxing champion, should be a good fight, If you can dance split-lip."
  19. Yay! My name is on a list of some sort!
  20. Logan stood there dripping in flood bits. "Yeah..... great." Logan hit his comm button. "Hazard Actual this is Hazard 1-2, Bridge is secure." "Good...." Ty voice sounded tired. "Anton all right?" "I'll let him vouch for himself while I get all this crap of me... yuck...."
  21. "Hit it 'till it stops moving? I don't know!" Logan swung the rifle again, bending the barrel and launching it from his hands. "Crap! Anton! is there a decontamination program for the bridge? you know, Burny, Lazery decontamination?" Logan hopped left as the flood swung again. "Cause if there is, we could burn the hell out of this thing!"
  22. I'm disappointed that there's no couch co-op in the demo, which will most likely not be included in the full game... Me and my brother were looking forward to it, and I had never really played through a Dead Space before. Looks like that won't change.
  23. "Look up?" Logan tilted his head back. "Oh crap!" Logan Jumped back as the juggernaut swung at him. He leveled his sniper rifle and fired, Clipping its arm and blowing it off. "Anton! get the auto turrets online!" Logan flipped the rifle over and swung it by the barrel, hitting the flood and sending it stumbling backwards. "Any day now Anton!"
  24. most people so that with 666 or 23.... I see the number 117 often, yes. but not as often as 1111
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