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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. "Alright Hazard! Pressurize your Suits, we're going to be jumping ship to Bay 3 when the pelican makes its pass. It's our job to re-secure the Armory."
  2. "Yeah, Anton's the big brains of the operation. Just stay on his good side, He's down right dangerous with a cutting lazer." Ty joked.
  3. "Uh, Midnight this is Hazard Actual. Might wanna shoot that command to the Admiral. I'm just the ground team." Ty settled in on the pelican next to Logan. "Why didn't you take up the overwatch position?" "Have you seen those platforms the Covies use? My gut tells me don't trust glowy blue things, and don't step on them." "Not exactly a bad philosophy, but i could've used the back up." Ty turned to Enoch. "So, Haven't had a chance to meet you yet. I'm Ty."
  4. "Admiral, this is Hazard Actual, We have 3 requesting pick up, and Spartan Bauer needs a patch job. How copy?"
  5. "uh.... yeah..." Ty was visibly shaken. "Never liked those swords...." He cleared his throat. "I uh... Kinda forgot what the next objective is..."
  6. "Hazard 1-3 respond!" Ty yelled into his comm. "Damn it. Radiations burning out our Comms too." Ty and Logan had reached Bauer's position. "Logan, That hovering... tower.... thingy. Take up an Overwatch position on it." "well, that was eloquent. I'm on it." Logan jogged off. Ty moved around a Covie storage crate to see Bauer facing down a group of elite wielding swords. He shrunk down behind the crate. "Damn it.... Why'd it have to be swords?" Ty took a deep breath, drew his pistol, and fired a shot into the closest elites head, killing it instantly. "I can't believe I made that shot! Oh crap..." 3 of the elites turned around. Ty dropped behind the crate again. "Oh crap oh crap oh crap! Please don't come over here... Not with swords... no no no no...."
  7. Lolz. Think about it. Lolz more at how true it is.
  8. "Hazard 1-3, this is Hazard Actual, Spartan Bauer's Distress signal just lit up, We're moving to assist. Rendezvous at his location, and be ready for a fight on the way in. How copy?" Ty checked His AR's screen and thumb in Bauers ID number. the compass now pointed in his direction. "Logan! Out of the tree, we're moving out." "You got it boss!" Logan dropped straight down, rolled and landed on his feet. "Hello there!" He joked. "Show off..." They moved toward Bauer's position.
  9. "Radiation from the explosion must've rattled their Comm network. We're clear here. thanks for the help. over."
  10. Ty sighed. "Shoulda known he wouldn't need us. Logan!" "Yeah?" "Signal the pelicans!" "Got it!" Logan pulled the flare launcher from his Vest and fired into the air. The blue flare sailed high above the trees. Logan Re-scoped his rifle. "Uh... We got company! two squads! they must be coming to check out the flare. 12 total." "Roger, Start droppin' 'em." "Gladly." Logan squeezed the trigger. The shot hit an elite directly in the mouth. "Yeah! how'd that taste Split-lip?" "Logan! cut the chatter! we've got work to do!" Ty barked. He moved forward to a large tree and aimed his AR. He fired three bursts, dropping a pair of Jackals. He noticed most of the covenant were in cover. If they weren't charging, that meant... "They don't know how many of us there are..." Ty brought up his comm. "Bauer! We're engaging a group of Covies about a quarter Klik from your position. They can't tell there's only two of us. I need you to keep reinforcements from getting to them, otherwise we're not gonna last long. Over."
  11. It's a tie between N64 and Original Xbox. Both equally contributed to my becoming a gamer.
  12. Chicken Butt. ^There. now be happy.
  13. Sgt. Tyler "Ty" MacMillan, Hazard 1-1 PFC. Logan Scott, Hazard 1-2 Requiem surface. Near Objective Alpha. Ty lit up his Comm. "Bauer, this is MacMillan, Scott and I are on standby about 3 Minutes away from objective Alpha. If you need back-up when you get there, Just launch up a flare, and we'll back you up. Over." Ty turned to Logan "Take up an OP and feed Bauer some intel." Logan climbed the nearest tree and trained his scope on the Objective. He pushed his comm button. "Bauer, PFC. Scott here, You're looking at about a brigade sized force, maybe 20-30 Troops, Jackals and Elites. You launch that flare and I'll bring the rain. How copy?"
  14. ((BaconShelf. you need to reread previous posts. I had dubbed the squad I faced "SnapShot" Please remember to review if you plan to reference an earlier event.)) "Alright Hazard, Load up and get on the transport, We meet at the Staging area." Ty turned to Murphy. "No offense, but those Covenant guns'll probably rip you to shreds if we used you for cover. Let's stick to Non-meat shields, Shall we?"
  15. Ty saw Logan leaning against a supply crate in sector 4. "PFC. Scott! front and center!" Ty barked. Logan snapped to attention in front of Ty. "Jeez. thought you'd realize i was joking... At ease man...." Logan relaxed a bit. "Yeah, I'm still adjusting to the way ODSTs run things. It's a hell of a lot different from the Marines. Somehow it's more relaxed, yet more strict." Ty scratched his head. "Yeah, it can be like that. They run things tight, but you have a bit more operational freedom." "Works for me. I'm not gonna complain if they want to loosen the leash a bit." "So, uh... were you briefed on the squad?" "Uh, no. They hadn't briefed me yet. We're working with those guys from your old C.O.'s squad right?" "Uh.... funny story about that... They were, uh... arrested. New squad is Me, you, Ashley Soto, and one of her friends. Your radio Call-sign is going to be Hazard 1-2." "Hm.... Well, works for me. Any idea what our posting will be?" "No clue, hopefully not too dangerous, but not to lax either." "Same." Ty leaned against the crate with Logan and lit the remaining half of his cigar. There had to be a requisitions post where he could get more.
  16. welcome to the forum! hope you don't like Bacon. That way there's more Bacon for me..... Have fun!
  17. Yeah, the RP thread definitely helped bump up my post count a lot.
  18. "Guess play time is over..." Ty picked up his helmet, put it on and hit his comm button. "Logan? are you on this frequency yet? Good. meet up with me at sector 4 for the briefing. See ya then." Ty turned to Ashley. "It actually stands for Hazard squad, 1st team, 3rd member. They re-worked the ranks for smaller squads." Ty motioned to the door and headed off to sector 4.
  19. 500 posts. That was faster than i thought... RP thread definitely helped my post count

    1. DoctorB77


      4k will be there before you know it.

  20. Boom. 500 posts. I R so dedicated.
  21. wired controllers have a tendency to break that way. I've had that happen to me more than once. most likely the mic jack is toast, so you'd need a new controller.
  22. I actually like this game the least of all the Halo titles, which is sad because i love ODSTs. also it took place during Halo 2's storyline. And no, I don't think a sequel is likely.
  23. If your looking for free to play, on steam APB: Reloaded is good. If you can find it, I've always loved Black and White 1 and 2.
  24. Tomorrow they will be releasing 2 more specs, so people can get to 90. not perfect, but at least it's something.
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