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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Star Wars: Republic Commando - Plot synopsis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Republic_Commando Gameplay - Tight Controls, Fun and challenging levels and an interesting weapons system make this game a pleasure to play. The weapons system is based on the DC-17m I.W.S. (Interchangable Weapons System) The way it begins is as a blaster rifle, however using attachments it can be turned into a sniper and a grenade launcher. The character can hold one extra weapon, by default a recharging pistol. Story - Fantastic. The story is gripping, and the Characters are vividly memorable. even the player character D-38 "Boss" (Sound familiar?) has a personality all his own. and those of his squad mates D-62 "Scorch", D-40 "Fixer" and D-07 "Sev" are fantastically memorable. Graphics - great for an original Xbox release, it is comparable to an early to mid 360 release. Final rating 10/10. My favorite game of all time, a ten is an understatement, I was devastated when the sequel was cancelled.
  2. I agree with playing as elites, but most of the others are unnecessary changes.
  3. Cowboy Bebop is my favorite. Space and Guns. what's better?
  4. Ty returned with One of the reactor Engineers. "Sir! this was the only Engineer who wasn't injured in the attack."
  5. "I'll just uh, go find an Engineer." Ty jogged off.
  6. The Carbine is good for taking down shields, but is bad for finishing off the kill. The Stormrifle is the same deal. And i love halo 4's AR. It's perfect.
  7. I was a little apprehensive to a next gen so soon, but I'm genuinely exited now.
  8. "Sir, I'll go find an engineer if you'd like." Ty snapped out of his joking mood. This was a serious problem. "Unless you're insistent I be under arrest."
  9. The Cyborg holding Ty's arm collapsed into pieces. Cortez's how ever didn't collapse, it just locked into place. "Does that mean i don't have to be shot? Please? I have a recording showing that it was IN FACT all Cortez's fault." Ty turned to Cortez. "Isn't that right Bubby?" he teased.
  10. Rule 1: Everyone on the waypoint forums are there to complain and be jerks. Rule 2: there are very few exceptions to rule 1.
  11. "Heh. cute. excellent due process by the way. Already condemned both of us. Thought in your 'infinite wisdom' you'd think of trying to figure out what actually happened. Guess i can't expect much from a machine though." Ty had no idea why he was egging Anton on, but it was all but decided he wasn't going to live out the day, mostly by Anton. "Bye Anton! hope you enjoy being a terminator!" and with that the cyborgs started to drag him off. ((this has actually turned out rather enjoyable. I like making Ty act like a jerk. lol.))
  12. "Finished zoning out Bauer?" Ty joked "Guess I'm done waiting to die. At least i got to shoot Cortez before i did."
  13. Welcome! have a great time and have fun. But not Bacon. you can't have my Bacon.
  14. Yeah, if you don't play from beginning to end you'll get WAAAAY too confused. Start from 1 and work your way up.
  15. "Yeah," Ty said as he was hoisted to his feet. "That's a brilliant idea. Put the guy who tried to kill me in the same closed, un-monitered space. alone. I thought A.I.'s were supposed to be smart." Ty didn't care anymore. If he was going to die, he was gonna have some fun on the way out. "You hear that Cortez? we get to be room-mates! We can gossip and tell scary stories till the wee hours. Then we can just kill each other."
  16. I think more people would have complained if they kept it a longsword. The made the broadsword because technology had advanced in the 5 years chief was frozen.
  17. "Scratch that. Hate life. Hate you. Hate the UNSC. Just shoot me now and save me the trouble." Ty groaned. "And Anton, next time program your little robot toys to be less... Annoying."
  18. "But... I- He- I didn't..." Ty stammered. Ty planted his face in the dirt. He was facing death alright, just from an unexpected angle. "Cortez." Ty said. "What!?!" Cortez yelled back. "I hate you."
  19. Very good point. I don't like MK but it was the moving force behind the invention of the ESRB.
  20. (( while i appreciate the Interest in my character, He wouldn't have actually killed Cortez. He's uncomfortable killing another human. he was bluffing, LOL.)) "Uh.... what the crap is this thing? Are these the cyborgs Bauer mentioned?" Ty stopped himself "Right, not important... I'm in trouble aren't I?"
  21. ((Don't worry about it. help me finish this particular plot point and well keep this in mind for a what not to do in the future.)) "So?" Ty said, pressing the barrel to Cortez's head. "What are you gonna do?"
  22. ((You didn't F anything up. you said yourself in the discussion thread establish what is going to happen before doing it.))
  23. OOOOooooo that would be awesome.... Now i want it...
  24. Ok... Im gonna go ahead and get this off my chest. Why not just go and form a Game company yourself and make a better game than halo 4? You couldn't. It's 343's first fully solo game, and they did a good job with what they had. GIVE THEM A BREAK.
  25. ((If i'm not confused, Cortez dropped some thing that makes is so no one can see or hear whats happening. This is also messing up a plan i had for Cortez, but that's beside the point of.... WTF IS HAPPENING?))
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