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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. The only things they need to change are: DMR needs a Rate of Fire drop Boltshot needs its Instakill range dropped to melee range.
  2. The only precision weapon i use is the Pistol, I use it exclusively in SWAT.
  3. I hate playing Oddball though, you always get some guy on your team with 42 kills, and no Ball Carry time. It's like "go play slayer if all you want to do is shoot things"
  4. I'm personally sick of the flood. they were cool when they were this big unknown evil, but now they feel tacked on to each game, not necessarily in story, but in Gameplay.
  5. I'd say put the codes in and see what happens!
  6. Has yourself a great tyme. Bacon.
  7. Like i said in the SB, I stopped before my head exploded, there were too many games to put down.
  8. It took me a long time to decide this, but my three best games of all time are: Halo CE (Obviously) KoF98UM Star Wars Republic Commando As an extention, games that were solid contenders for this list include: 007 Goldeneye Super Mario 64 Pokemon Stadium Skate 2 Red Dead Revolver/Redemption Assassin's Creed 2 Star Wars Battlefront 2 Warcraft 3 Chromehounds Mech Assault 1/2 Streets of Rage 2 Pokemon B/R/Y River City Ransom TMNT Turtles in Time Zombies Ate My Neighbors Little Big Planet 1/2 Uncharted 2/3 XCOM: Enemy Unknown Rampage 2 I'm gonna stop because my head hurts trying to decide if i should change an answer....
  9. I think it's mainly because the party games that do exist are on Wii. Kinect has a few but they are all mediocre at best, and Fusion Frenzy 2 flopped.
  10. Thats not even remotley likely Sykowolf!
  11. Halo is obvious Doom 3 is the worst doom And I thought i was one of the few people who liked Fusion Frenzy. Twisted System was the best game. and Dub FTW
  12. First time i've heard anyone complain about the ending...
  13. most of this seems unconfirmed, I still think we have a few years of 360 left before a net gen console becomes a requirement. the only problem with Xbox right not is it's low disk storage space which is why more and more games have 2 disks.
  14. Most likely not, but i wouldn't discount it entirely. i do think 130 is a weird rank to stop at...
  15. The alpha zombie isn't supposed to stay Alpha, you die, you are no longer the same zombie, therefore no longer the alpha zombie. Most of your complaints are things that happen to some, not all. If you're so angry at the game, don't play it. don't waste time going and complaining on a community forum.
  16. It might also be you've hit the daily limit. how much XP did you earn before you completed the challenge?
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