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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Obviously i like Halo 2, but i think a remake would be unneccesary, and greedy. CE's remake was a throw-back to the original game getting the attention it deserved. Halo 2 being remade would basically seem like the want to do a remake of every halo.
  2. Presented for your consideration, Canadian Bacon, AKA God-Ham.

    1. HappehNinja


      Bacon is food brought directly from Valhalla (or Heaven).

  3. I loved piloting the Falcon, it went along with my usual gaming tendency: If there is a flying vehicle in a game, Im really good with it.
  4. I guess im the minority here, i usually win, but then again i usually always play BTB... don't know if that makes a difference...
  5. Those of you who were in AD's early game on the newyears playdate played this, But for those of you who haven't, here's the run down. Slayer - no teams no loadouts Spawn with random weapons Player speed 175% gravity 75% player jump 175% Bottomless clip This gametype is pure fun with friends and is always a good time killer. The name comes from the game Crackdown, in which your character could outrun a car and jump almost 6 stories in the air. Do to the increased movement, this always needs to be on a large map. So, what do you think? would you play it? Suggestions of changes?
  6. your post gave me a vicous case of the warmfuzzies...
  7. dear god yes please do i will pay all the moneyz for this please yes dodo do do do do! In case it wasn't obvious i love DayZ but i can't play it on my compy...
  8. Welcome! Have a beautiful time! And Bacon!
  9. Uncharted : Drake's Fortune - Plot Synopsis: http://www.imdb.com/...000777/synopsis Story: I'm always up for a good historical mystery story, so this game scores well in the story department. Gameplay: Fun, But a little sloppy, platforming can get frustrating with broken mechanics. Also really short, i beat the game in one 2 hour sitting. Graphics: eh.... They're good but crappy at the same time... i don't really know how to describe it. Final score: 5/10 It was okay, but not a necessary play unless you like the later games and want to see the original story.
  10. eh... seems like a 50/50 shot of it. although I think were still 2-3 years from a next-gen system.
  11. D-38 Boss


    Bring me a postcard! and mittens. and cookies. and-
  12. There is a way to use these still, the coding is still there, it's just really glitchy, teleport will kill you 50% of the time and Hacker is a hit or miss. I think hacker could have work if balanced right.
  13. well, back to boringness...

    1. Winry Rockbell

      Winry Rockbell

      At least you have a cool looking emo version of Tails as your avatar! :)

  14. Going bowling for new years. woop woop.

    1. Harbinger


      Hey Niko want to go bowling?

  15. Playing random Free to play shooters...

    1. One


      Get Planetside 2

  16. Well, Captain Kirk used the first Cell phone, so star trek has a decent track record for predictions. I'm waiting for Virtual Reality that doesn't suck...
  17. DOn't you Just sayin' me! well you can if you want... Welcome!
  18. I love the Red Dead series, im waiting for the next one. Also i like John Marston, But no one can replace Red Harlow.
  19. Gonna go buy Farcry 3!

    1. Smokin Shadowz

      Smokin Shadowz

      I have yet to even open mind yet...enjoy.

    2. Smokin Shadowz

      Smokin Shadowz

      I have yet to even open mind yet...enjoy.

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