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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. I think i still have it.... its a good game to kill time, not my cup of tea though...
  2. They are trying something new with cycling playlists.
  3. Do RE 6. I was actually planning on doing XCOM next.
  4. what are you gonna review next???
  5. ODST's are my favorite thing in the halo universe. But the game was bad. I wish they did it like MoH airbourne, having you drop into every mission.
  6. I say once more. AR is awesome. but yes the DMR needs a RoF nerf.
  7. A great map will have Balance, Playablilty and a wow factor that makes the map cool.
  8. Name: Tyler "Ty" MacMillan Birthplace: Reach ID: Sierra - 224 Story: Enlisted shortly after reach fell, Joined ODST's. was selected for spartan 4 program for excellence in service and superior Tactical Ability. Prefered loadout: SAW and Rocket Launcher. Armor Ability: Jetpack. Quote: "An elite can be intimidating, but put a gun in it's jaw and pull the trigger, and it dies like anything else."
  9. well you don't lack for self esteem. welcome to the forums.
  10. Me thinks you like Pendulum.. A Walk - Bad Religion
  11. Really??? Drunken Lullabies - Flogging Molly
  12. I don't know. that doesn't sound like something worth doing.
  13. D-38 Boss

    Halo 4 Sucks

    Flame all you want, but these are all opinions.
  14. Will Do! After Fallout NV Um... i don't wanna do a full review of Fallout NV, so here It's Fallout 3 with new guns and a different story. It ends permanantly and there is no continuation DLC Rating: 5 / 10 Sleeping Dogs - Plot Synopsis: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2241982/plotsummary Story - This game was originally intended to be True Crime: Hong Kong. but the original company went belly up. The story is well written and is a very good Noir type story. Gameplay - I appreciate that this game was made with guns limited to certain scenarios, and focuses on Dirving, Free running and fist fighting. it makes the game more interesting. not to mention Wei Shen's fighting animations are beautiful. Graphics- the graphics are good but not great. but they fit the bill for this game Rating: 9 / 10
  15. oh hey it's you. I'm going to be in the newyears play date!
  16. I think Fotus looks dumb... really, really dumb.
  17. It's My Job To Keep Punk Rock Elite - NoFX
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