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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. This is to win a premium Xbox theme! solve my riddle first and i'll PM it to you. I'm grown from an animal, You eat me with glee. I go great on everything, just try me, you'll see. I'm Breakfast, I'm dinner, An anytime snack. So there. There's my riddle, Give it a shot, take a crack. Only Post ONCE!!!! One guess!
  2. Mass Effect 3? I'll do the whole series. Mass Effect - Plot synopsis: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Storyline ----- Story: The story is great and the character's well written, although some of it seems forced on you. Gameplay: The cover system is wonky, and doesn't work well. which would be fine if it wasn't the main point of combat. find cover, kill things, move on. The weapon overheats can be frustrating, especially when you use a sniper. but overall the gameplay is fun and interesting. Graphics: the graphics work well enough for the type of game it is, but i feel like the character creation is poor, and you can never get your shepard to look like he/she isn't horribly disfigured. Rating: 7 / 10 Mass Effect 2 - Plot synopsis: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Storyline_II -------- Story: the story in this one is very good, and the character's are once again believable. the story can feel a little tedious though. it also is a nice change of pace to be working for the good of humanity, but with an air of danger working with Cerberus. Also, Martin Sheen. Gameplay: the cover system get a slap in the face and is told to straighten up, so it works much better, with a prompt to enter cover instead of walking at a wall. The thermal clip system Is better than the overheat system, but can be frustrating when you can't find ammo. the addition of heavy weapons in lieu of grenades is an interesting choice, but saving up the ammo to use the M-920 Cain Mini-nuke was very satifying. However the lack of weapon and armor variety has always disappointed me, but is rectified with DLC. Also, armor customization is a welcome addition. Graphics: Same as 1 but with a larger Palette and more shading. Rating: 8 / 10 Mass Effect 3 - Plot synopsis: http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Storyline_III ------ Story: Fantastic! Except for the ending. the ending was written poorly, as i'm sure you've heard about at some point, which prompted a huge fallout (< theres your review Syko. jk I'll do one after this.) of anger from fans, so much so that Bioware had to release a free DLC extending the ending. even with the DLC i still don't like the ending. A good story keeps you guessing until the end, than reaches a reasonable conclusion, ME3's ending did not make sense. This is a big black mark on a great game Gameplay: Great. the game is cleaned up and the controls are tight and responsive, the new melees are fun and the selection of weapons and armor is wide and expansive. it's easy to lose track of time playing the story and multiplayer. Truly a rare case of sequels getting better every time. Graphics: A Much needed upgrade, but still not fantastic. Final rating: 9.2 / 10 Overall rating: 9 / 10 The links contain a full summary of the games and any books that go in time with the plot. Up next will be Fallout 3 / New Vegas.
  3. Um.... I Like the hat... The Hat. Haaaaaaaaat. Also i have a Halo 4 Premium theme code for teh contributes. Won straight from the Halo 4 KOTH app.
  4. Dear. god. all. my. internets. go. to. this.
  5. Hello. Get ready for the time of your life! kinda...
  6. A halo 4 review? fine! It's be easy because i don't need to do a plot summary. you guys know it. Graphics - Jesus. rollerblading. Christ. it' took me until five minutes after i started playing to realise the first cutscene wasn't live-action. in game graphics are pretty good too. Gameplay- Gameplay as always is 5 seconds of fun, that happens repeatedly. although it can become strenuous during legendary campaigns the campaign is really fun and well scripted. Story - Having Master Chier have in game dialogue give him a much more human feel. where as in the previous games, he felt like a sociopath. The writing for Cortana, is amazing, and she is easily the most attachable character. And Spartan Ops is shaping up very nicely. Multiplayer - I have my complaints, but who doesn't. Gameplay and balance is great, and the rotating gametypes keeps it fresh, although most people hate it. It makes you not play the same gametype over and over again. it makes you try other game types, until halo 4 i'd only played oddball a few times. now i play it a lot. Final Verdict: 9.8 / 10 Obviously, if i didn't enjoy this game i would be a regular forum goer, it doesn't get a ten in my book because while great, it was not a groundshakingly different game.
  7. I'm going to be reviewing Farcry 3, right now! tah dah! while i'd like to do a full story review for each game, it's much easier to give an overall rating and some plot points. My experience with Farcry 3 was brief, but fun, as a fan of the series since the first game, I'd like to think i have good authority to judge it. The terrific thing about this game is the main character's personality. he isn't a gung-**-kill-them-all kinda guy. he's a kid caught in a bad situation, trying to keep his morality. He (at least at the begining) is teriified of the things he has to do. The selection of weapons and customization is great, and is the best in the series. The hunting is fun and you feel accomplished when you make your next rucksack upgrade from hard earned tiger pelts. If you've played 2 you'll understand this. THE CHARACTERS ACTUALLY BREATH ONCE IN A WHILE. in Farcry 2 everyone talked like they were hopped up on coke. The landscapes are beautiful and fun to explore, and the driving is entertaining, unlike 2 where it was an unwanted yet necessary chore. The difficulty is ramped up from the old games, especially when you're fighting pirates and some Komodo Dragons decide to investigate, by attacking all the things in sight. My major complaint is the complete removal of the games original set piece, the regaining of feral abilities, making your character a feral hunter. but this game is well done and is a fresh experience. so overall I'll let that slide. Final score 9.3 / 10 A definite buy, the size of the territory alone is worth hours of gameplay, add in the story and side quests, and the co-op, multiplayer, and Farcry's famous map maker, and you have a game that will provide hours of entertainment.
  8. I liked halo wars, but they need to balance the troops a lot more, Sargent Forge's Tanks are to powerful and overly easy to mass.
  9. Oblivion is great, but the differences from skyrim are mainly new gameplay mechanics. I.E. Dual wielding, Shouts, Blacksmithing, Easy enchanting. these are not in Oblivion.
  10. I sense there will be many babies born 9 months from now as a result of this situation.
  11. Welcome, and have a beautiful time.
  12. Hmmm I'm hoping to get a match where it isn't onesided.
  13. The Match ups are the characters only, no vehicles, just the things they carry daily. So Wei Shen won. Wei Shen (Sleeping Dogs) vs. Player (Saints Row) Also if there is a character you'd like to see in the arena please PM me with their Name and Game of Origin. don't just post it. Leader board Shepard-3 Wei Shen-1 Isaac Clarke-0 Dovahkin-0 Scarab-0
  14. Well i tend to give every game it's fair shot. and my friend got it, and spent 3 days making enemies and komodo dragons fight in the map maker.
  15. D-38 Boss

    We miss you!

    I miss Dual wielding a little, but it wasn't a very good idea to start with. it was just cool to do once in a while.
  16. If I get some decent recordings from my band I'd put them up. Also Bad Religion, Out the butt....
  17. Where to start? Star Wars Republic Commando Blinx 1 and 2 America's Army KoF98UM Street Fighter 2 Tekken 2 The Godfather Crazy Taxi Just to name those i played today.
  18. Well this is a rather pleasant thread. The spec codes may have been a bad idea, but being a nuisance on the internet won't solve that.
  19. There are random patches of lag at times. i don't know why, but there is.
  20. Ok, so I'm gonna pull Shepard for later matches, heres match 4. Niko Bellic (GTA IV) vs. Wei Shen (Sleeping Dogs) Shepard is winning with 3 wins.
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