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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. Welcome to the forums, Kakakarrotcake.
  2. Installing the PS3 Destiny beta.

    1. D-38 Boss
    2. Buns


      There is no cross platform play between PS3 and PS4 Sadly :c

    3. SykoWolf


      Took your time

  3. I'm posting it to say it has a decent amount of people, and therefore might be worth revival, JL.
  4. I've been binge-ing New Vegas non-stop for the last two weeks. I'm pretty well versed in the lore and story if you need a mod. Race : Human Name: Syphon MacManus Sex: Male Age: 26 Three major skills: Small Guns, Medicine, Repair (Tag perk, fool. Fourth tag skill: Barter) Appearance: Messy Black hair, and a rough beard. One of his eyes lacks pigmentation do to a Death claw attack. the other is a deep green Weapons : .44 Magnum, Assault Carbine, Anti-material Rifle, Baseball bat Armour / Clothing: Desert Ranger Armor, Roving Trader Cap. (Will take a picture of my character later) Faction : None. Anti-Legion sentiment, Pro-NCR views. Hometown: Shady Sands, California I think this has a decent amount of interest to actually pick up and start.
  5. Have you ever watched MST3K? If so, Joel or Mike, and Pearl or Dr. Forester?
  6. Lel'd at Gary Stu. Everybody's got one.
  7. What the heck, why not? Name: Boss Weapons: Stainless steel Baseball bat, .357 Colt Python (Revolver) Appearance: 6 feet tall (182 cm) 300 lbs (136 Kg) Short, messy dark brown hair, rough beard. Camo Cargo pants, a black T-shirt, and a long black Trench coat. Usually wears a Black Baseball cap. Skills and Powers: Gunslinger, can shoot lightning because I said so. Bio: No one knows how or why Boss came into existence, but if there really was a purpose, he certainty doesn't seem to care. More content spending his days drinking Mountain Dew and playing games than actually fighting; most assume he's harmless. He's not, but he just doesn't care all that much.
  8. I never want yearly releases for anything. In the short term, quality suffers. I do want a Watch_Dogs sequel though.
  9. Bossball. Is it bad enough? :3
  10. A hush of air as the pod bay depressurizes, the feeling of imbalance as your center of gravity shifts from the simulated ship to the real atmosphere of the planet. Your stomach rising in your chest as the sensation of falling is all you feel. The pure Fight-or-Flight rush of knowing the only thing between you, and becoming one with the dirt, is a few inches of steel. This is what Helljumpers live for; Plunging feet first into Hell. - Anonymous The following is from the logs of ODST fireteam Havoc 1-4, comprised of four members; Captain Derek L. Jones, 1st Lt. Christopher X. Lugo, Sergeant Tyler M. MacMillan, and Private Scott G. Haskell. Their role during the war on Reach was mostly one of combat throughout the city of New Alexandria, and the outlying area. July 26th, 2552, U.N.S.C. Argonaut The O.D.S.T.'s rushed to their pods, and began preparing for a routine drop. Only the elite of the O.D.S.T.'s could consider anything about plunging toward combat in an over-glorified steel coffin “routine”. Yet to most of them, this was anything but routine. They were dropping on Reach to fight the Covenant. Two words none of them even wanted to see in the same sentence. Now, they had to fight to protect a planet some of them considered home, even more so than Earth. “Let's go, people. This is the big time!” Captain Jones barked into his comms. “Sound off!” “Shadow is go, Cap'.” Lugo responded. “Gunslinger is green.” MacMillan added. “Replay here. Ready to rock.” Haskell chimed in. “Alright.” Jones said, climbing into his own pod. “Cryptic is good to go. Havoc 1-4 is ready to drop.” The pods slid down into their launch bays. The techs beginning their final preparations. Jones took the time to issue some last minute orders to his squad. “No matter what, you stick to me. Got it? I don't want any of you getting lost in the furball out there.” he said, referring to the raging space battle being fought for orbital superiority. “Stay tight, and keep your trajectory directly toward New Alexandria. If we get separated, we regroup at RP Riding Hood. How copy?” “Got it.” Lugo said, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. He'd make it through this drop, just like all the others. “Solid Copy.” MacMillan nodded. He did a last second adjustment on his harnesses. The last thing he wanted was to bite it because he forgot to buckle up. “Loud and clear.” Haskell said, his foot tapping out a beat only he could hear. The lights died out, replaced by the dim red glow of a countdown above the pod's windshield. Thirty seconds. Haskell got a tight grip on his harness, and clenched his jaw in an effort to steady himself. He polarized the lens of his helmet, if for nothing else than hiding the expression of fear from his team during the drop. Jones sighed, watching the count. This was routine for him. He didn't buy in to all the percentages and statistics. He knew the only reason Helljumpers died on drops was a mistake on their part, either pulling the airfoils to late or early, or overlooking a vital safety check. He and his team would be fine for the drop. It was what came after that concerned him. One of his team was a veteran, one was a talented rookie, and Haskell? Lord knows with him. Bottom marks in the academy, but his instructors swear he's talented. Ten seconds. The outer bulkhead slid open. A hush took over the air as they entered the vacuum. The bursts of fire and plasma below, eerily quiet as the battle raged on. The only sound in the pods; The breathing of the four Helljumpers. Three.... Two..... One.... The pods rocked as they burst forth from the ship. Hundreds of black steel pods filled the atmosphere, the famed and feared ODST “Black Rain”. Jones set his trajectory for New Alexandria, and his team followed suit. “Tighten up, and stay as far from the Covenant Cruiser as you can.” Jones said. The Single Occupant Exo-atmospheric Insertion Vehicle, or SOEIV is the primary method of insertion for ODSTs. It allows for a single Helljumper to get in as fast as possible, and with a maximum chance of survival. That is of course, if they make it to the planet's surface. “Lots of debris ahead, Cryptic.” Lugo said, using Jones' callsign. “I see it.” “Looks like it's all UNSC wreckage...” Haskell noted. “Swing wide left of it, and reform over New Alexandria. We'll be in the atmosphere in 20 seconds.” The four pods maneuvered past the wreckage, joining together just in time for re-entry. “Make sure you blow the air foils between twenty and twenty-five thousand feet. To early and the foils'll blow off, too late and you'll be buried before your funeral, got me?” Jones barked. “Roger.” MacMillan responded, setting his foils to auto-deploy. The pods rumbled as they passed through the atmosphere. Of the initial group, only a fraction made it through the space battle unscathed. The remainder formed up over New Alexandria. “Alright people, listen up!” The commander barked over the radio. “This is a Direct-action operation, with the sole purpose to protect the city of New Alexandria, and surrounding towns and villages. You're to secure your landing zones, and wait for further orders. Command out.” Jones checked his Altimeter. 25,000 feet. “Pop your foils, boys! We're in the sweet spot!” “Deploying!”MacMillan responded, the others releasing their SOEIV's airfoils, slowing their descent. Breaking through the cloud layer, they could see New Alexandria rising to meet them, smoke pouring from random buildings. “Jesus...” Lugo muttered. “Focus, Shadow. Tighten up, we're marked to land in the commercial district.” “Sorry, Cap'. Just.... I grew up here, is all. It's hard to see it like this.” “Then let's get down there and fix this situation.” Jones replied. “Brace yourselves! Impact in 5!” The pods crashed down in a parking structure in New Alexandria's Commercial district. The four ODTS's took a moment to clear the haze of adrenaline from their heads. Captain Jones stepped out of his Pod. “Sound off!”
  11. POOP ON THEM. Meeting adjourned.
  12. Pretty good. The narrative skips around a bit much, but it's not hard to follow. I'll be keeping an eye out for the next chapter.
  13. Put me down as a maybe. Don't reserve a spot for me though.
  14. Sorry to do this guys, but a few things came up, and long story short, I need to postpone the Event until the next available day, which is Saturday the 26th.

  15. I'm closing in on my two year anniversary on this site. When I joined, I was one of those youthful members who believed this was 343's official site. Brilliant members informed me it was not, but they also, through their actions and demeanor, proved to me it was something better. Better people, better discussion, more fun. Being a member of this site has been one of the better things I've experienced in recent years. Obviously, it's had it's ups and downs, Good members leaving, turmoil among members, spam-bots infiltrating our midst. But through it all I've held my tongue. I've sat idly by while an unbearably terrible thing happened. Nearly every time I opened the page, I was struck by this blatant infraction. How could they allow it to happen so? Not only to disregard it, but to not even mention it? Appalling to say the least. So how may I go about this? I've wondered this myself, these past few months. And finally, it came upon me. Others must have said this, and been thus silenced, never to be seen on the site again. Injustice is what it is, and I'll stand for it no longer. We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has taken a lifetime to learn. It seems only the old members are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content. The young, brash and impatient members, must always break the silence. It is a waste, for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. This is the great paradox. This is what they'd like us to believe. And I say, Nay. Silence shall not be my choice. I choose Freedom. I choose speech. In the words of RSR; "Verbosity is not a crime". Thusly, I speak my mind, and let my piece be said and known by all, Greenie, Trusted, and Dedicated. Some of you may say I'm digressing, avoiding the point, wasting time. ​But an announcement of this magnitude requires fanfare, a speech worthy of the site wide chaos that my announcement will cause. Some of you are content to sit and watch and accept. But not me. I will speak. I will protest... I. Will. Rebel. Maybe one or two of you may see this before I am silenced, but none the less, if my message is heard, and carried on, it was worth it. And finally, the time has arrived. I must say it. I.... Don't like the color blue that much.
  16. Love me some Watch_Dogs, I'd like to buy it, I'm broke.
  17. I enjoy a good RP, but like JL said, they tend to die here. Most of the main RPer's have left, or are no longer active. As for sandbox, that falls to preference. I prefer a solid story line. What you call linear, I call structured. Most people don't know what to do with the freedom involved in a sandbox RP. Personally, I think a series of RPs would be better. Persistent Characters, different missions.
  18. Come on folks, it's event time. http://343i.org/23d

  19. Welcome to the Community. Hope to see you around at one of our events. They's always a good time.
  20. 01000011 01101111 01101110 01101110 01100101 01100011 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101111 00101111 01010011 01100101 01110010 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110010 01100101 01110011 01101001 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101111 00101111 01000110 01101111 01110010 01100011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101111 01110110 01100101 01110010 01110010 01101001 01100100 01100101 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101111 00101111 01000011 01101111 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101 01110100 01100101 00101110 00101111 00101111 01001110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01110100 01101000 01111001 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110010 01110100 01101000 01101100 01100101 01110011 01110011 00100000 01001101 01100101 01101101 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