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D-38 Boss

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Everything posted by D-38 Boss

  1. GSD once entered a game of SWAT with nothing other than a Sharpie, a knitting needle, and a broken tuba. Not only did he win, but he prevented all other players form getting kills, thus giving him a perfect score, and even though he had left the lobby, he still won the next 23 matches.
  2. Unfortunately, None exist that I know of. Like I said, most of the people I've seen with Commando costumes used Nerf Longshots.
  3. Yeah, a lot of the newer Nerf guns are ripe for rebuild when it comes to Cosplay. Luckily for me though, there's quite a few companies that make Resin kits for building the blasters from Star Wars. It sucks trying to build from scratch.
  4. Feel me son. For I am the one who is dope.
  5. Just FYI, the gun the spartan used for the sniper was a Nerf Longshot. A few of the guys from the 501st used them as a base for clone commando weapons.
  6. Event is on now! COME ON. BE A PART OF THE FUN.

    1. HIWBC


      It was very good fun :D.

  7. Payday 2 has earned it's spot on my top ten, so if I get a Xbone, I'll definitely snag this. And Biggles, Payday 1 is just alright.
  8. See, I just think this discussion is going in circles. One of you is providing clear examples, then the other requests more. I'm just gonna conclude with: "I like to sprint." It's not game breaking, because I've never had the thought "Damn it. If only there was no sprinting." I don't believe I need specific examples, because how would I provide examples on what something ISN'T doing? List the times I wasn't thinking about sprint breaking the game? We'd be here forever. Bottom line, don't like it? Don't play it. Either way, the decision of having it in or not is out of our hands. Me? I'm just gonna enjoy the ride, >Abandon Thread
  9. Personally, I like Sprint because it feels satisfying to be able to "shift into high gear" as it were. Truthfully, I don't see any reason to not have it in the game, even with the one's you've provided. It's not a game breaking mechanic, it's just a feature. Spartans wanna run? Let 'em run. :3
  10. I AM THE SANDWICH MAN. That is all.

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      Make me a sandwich, sandwich man

    2. rrhuntington


      Heavy Weapons Guy?

  11. As an addendum to Twin's Oh-so-important post; If you need people to play Halo with, we host events all the time! Check the event's forum, and the Upcoming Events tab on the Forum page. Play with fellow forum-goers, make new friends, and crouch on their corpses! What could be better!?
  12. ^New PC; Because favorite game series ^ lappy; Because favorite game.
  13. Don't worry Onso, we'll keep the events rolling for you. I'll watch the streets, you watch the skies.
  14. EEEEEVVVVVEEEENNNNT. http://343i.org/213

    1. rrhuntington


      Is there a problem when I read this as "Ewent"

    2. D-38 Boss
  15. What percentage of these answers do you know off the top of your head, and what percentage to you look up? Also, If Gregory has 30 candy bars, and he eats 28, what does Gregory have?
  16. Some of you may remember the Ground Zero, alternate story to ODST thing I had worked on. Sad as it is to say, I have since scrapped that project, as I ended up writing myself into a corner. So, instead, I started fresh, and where better to start, then Reach? ------ In the Epsilon Eridani system, Humanity is housed on the planet of Reach. Many men and women of this planet fought for bitter survival when the Covenant attacked, but inevitably met their doom. These are their stories. (DUNK DUNK! ) Many know the tale of Noble team, but this document is intended to shed light on the unsung heroes of the attack on Reach. In the timeline of July 24th 2552 to August 30th 2552, millions of lives were impacted by the Invasion of Reach. This humble documentation will attempt to deliver a solid glimpse into the actions of those affected; some tragic, some triumphant, some trivial. We begin our story two days before July 24th. Obviously, July 22nd. With Private Hector Rosario, of the 3rd Marine Battalion. This story has been accurately recreated using Rosario's own journal. The events within are seen from his point of view, and may, or may not, be true. JULY 22nd 1100 HOURS. REACH ORBIT. Hector marched down the halls of the UNSC frigate Luna, searching for anything and everything that could keep him occupied. With the lack of any liquor, or loose women, it seemed this native of Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A., Earth would be disappointed. “Yo! Rosario!” A familiar voice called from one of the many Rec Rooms. Hector turned to see his squad mates sitting, lounging around the various exercise equipment. Rosario's squad; Razorback 3-2, was one of eight 4 man teams that made up Razorback Battalion; A Marine Force Recon group. The team lead; 1st Lt. Kayla Duran was thumbing through the pages of a magazine, not even glancing up at Hector as he exchanged greetings with the other two; Sgt. James LeMay, and Corporal Neil Hawthorne. “What's shakin' Neil?” Rosario asked, plopping down on the bench of one of the weight lifting machines. “What do you think, Hec'? Not a damn thing.” He sighed. “People keep whispering the word Covenant, but I think they're still riled up from Harvest and all.” “Legitimate or not, HighCom takes any mention of the Covies seriously.” Duran said, flipping yet another page. “If it turns out to be a buncha bull, great. If not, they'll take the required actions to protect Reach.” “I don't know about that, Ell Tee.” LeMay said, pushing his thick framed glasses up on the bridge of his nose. “I mean... you heard about Harvest like the rest of us. How do you stop something like that?” “By blowin' 'em to hell and back, then back again.” Rosario said, high-fiving Hawthorne. “It's not that simple, Hector. They have WAY better tech then us. High frequency E.M. Shields and the like. The only way to bust through them is to put every damn thing you've got into them.” “All I understood from that was 'shoot the crap out of them.'” Rosario said with a grin. “Bullets still kill these things. It's as simple as that.” Rosario looked out of the window to Reach. “Man... Why would anyone give a damn about that hunk of rock anyway? It's just a buncha farmers and Innies.” “It was the UNSC's first extra terrestrial colony, Hec.” Duran sighed. “It's important to moral. Not to mention, Have you SEEN New Alexandria? That place is a sight worth saving.” Hector sighed and rolled his eyes. “Whatever, K'. It can't hold a candle to Chicago. Like, there was this one place I'd chill all the time-” The blaring of alarms cut him short. The time for jokes was over. The four Marines rushed to their feet, following the pre-set emergency protocols; Secure your gear, find your squad, and get to your ready lines. Razorback stood in full force, waiting for the Commander to give his briefing. The hangar completely silent as he marched out. Commander Jordan Cabral stood before the gathered Marines of his ship. “The situation is as follows. Roughly an hour ago, one of our sister ships went dark just at the edge of system space. They sent a final burst transmission, saying they were under attack by an unknown enemy. As intel is sketchy at the moment, we're to be on standby until called to action. You'll be boarding your transports, and orbiting the planet until we get that call. Move out!”
  17. Ooooo new things from HG! Must...... read..... more....
  18. Well.... This.... Hm. Let's address some things. As I'm sure everyone who's been in one of my lobbies will tell you, I don't censor ANYONE. Because I like to swear. Deal with it. So on that particular count, I don't know what to say. Certain people like different environments for gaming, and some of them prefer it to be friendly, wholesome, and jovial. (And boring, but that's my opinion.) But as for this thread... This seems to be partially in poor taste. Yes, it is good to speak your mind, but you have to bear in mind that speaking your mind isn't always the best course of action. This community is one intended for friendly, humorous (And sometimes off-beat) conversation about various topics, and though someone may raise an opinion you don't agree with, you should debate it in a manner that reflects well on you, as well as the entire site. (We're trying to show that we're better than Waypoint, whether people want to admit it or not ) In this regard ,and while I can't pull up specific examples, I have witnessed you attack a person during a debate, rather then trying to debunk their opinion. So in regards to why you've been reported, that may shed some light on it. Personally, I have my opinions of everyone here; Most good, some bad. However, I will never say anything behind someone's back that I wouldn't say to their face, BUT that does NOT mean that I speak everything I have to say, as I prefer to conduct myself in a manner that I hope reflects well on me. But long story short, The fact is that your leaving will be a blow to the community. You were an active member, and the threads you have started are some of the best in recent times. I greatly enjoyed reading The Sniper of 343, and I hope you continue it, and I hope you eventually reconsider coming back as a more active member. Deuces, Homie.
  19. Great. Someone else who understands the pain of knowing Austin. Just kidding. Welcome to the community!
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