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Everything posted by ViolentDelights

  1. ww2 Plane! WYR --live with the wolves or live with the lions(or some big cat)
  2. hope you like it here, don't be shy to posts more interesting topics in the rest of 343's forum world!
  3. Welcome! hope you have a great time on here Much love ~~
  4. welcome, and hope your clan plans go well
  5. Didnt know ya, but so long, hope everything gets taken care of
  6. I haven't been here since last year when i first signed up....been way too busy but at least now H4 is only 4 months away, its going by so fast! also what did you guys think about this years E3? ~~
  7. welcome back ~ I agree, E3 was a little lackluster, but i wont go into detail, i loved seeing halo of course, "the last of us" was.....too much violence (killing actual people, instead of aliens or zombies, seeing their face, them begging you not too kill them, etc) but the game play and flow was awesome, and i hope more games will be similar. but..... Beyond: two souls, Watch dogs, Tomb Raider, im really excited for! (of what i can remember at this moment....also sims city too)
  8. welcome, i personally dont follow much RvB anymore, but i bet youll find others who do, anyways hope you like it here
  9. you came to the right place, ill take a wild guess and say most users love Halo, and the upcoming Halo4, so i agree im excited if you've used a forum before, it'll be easy to find your way, just remember have fun, and try not to think about the game too much, or else it'll seem like forever till it comes out
  10. cant believe where the time has gone..

    1. Azaxx


      Time doesnt truely exist, its only the perception of ones view on reality.

    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      I reject your reality and substitute my own!

  11. i hope not, both are great games, all games bring something different to the table IMO, there's no "contest" we''ll see who sells more but its biased to say halo will kill COD unless you have something to back yourself up. (although i hope halo 4 brings in more sales, COD has a game out every single year)
  12. all game evolve somewhat, and since halo has been around a long time, its unlikely it will be very true to the first trilogy halos, im hoping 343 makes halo 4 feel like the 1,2&3 halos, but might lean to a newer feel (similar to reach) it doesn't matter TOO much to me, but of course most Halo players are looking for the old halo. i guess we'll see.
  13. all looks great, cant wait how the story line turns out....!
  14. doesn't matter too much to me what she looks like, as long as they keep it canon and at least PG-PG13 haha. I definitely skipped over the mag. scans, i guess this year i want to play the game with a fresh mind, unlike all the other games i almost know whats going to happen, also i dont have the time anyways, tremendously excited!
  15. looks great....just definitely don't have the time to go into all that stuff...
  16. what the hell do you think? (fight) WYR (inspired by impractical jokers show) go to the bathroom open the door to a room full of people (pants down and everything) and yell for toilet paper.....or lick a random persons foot? (5 licks, must have been wearing sandals/barefoot!)
  17. although i liked the gun in halo 3 and such.... double wielding wont be in halo 4, and the gun wouldn't be the same unless the changed it
  18. it could be possible, but if you really want it done, make it happen, i doubt it would occur naturaly for humans...
  19. personally im not a fan of AAs but i dont mind, i play swat, and well there is MLG and other playlists without AA so people complain too much! we shouldnt live in fear, haha
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