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Everything posted by ViolentDelights

  1. lol, i used to have someone call me that, and well now i hate it! nothing personal :3 haha dont even! :3 its all in good humor lets move on though before we get reported for weird behavior, haha
  2. AWW thats terribly cute! (i have a two year old pekingese, he is stubborn and silly, but loving) see ya 'round
  3. its cool its cool (this isnt bungie, so hopefully no one will attack you!!)
  4. Ive been wondering the same thing, like gob said, its most likely red is hot, maybe faded ones have been reported, or moved, something to that effect
  5. Halo Ce was just SO classic, you cant deny that is the best, but as far as ridiculous fun Halo 2 comes in close, and 3 for that matter but CE is the best (i have played more reach then all of them, really only because now i have a steady internet access, and i love playing swat, otherwise id never play the other gametypes, i cant stand AA except for running, and the 'nades are to much! lol so that way i didnt even factor it in, its wasnt like the original halos, didnt have that feel, still love it though)
  6. Allow me to direct you, and anyone else wondering, to these links id think you would find helpful viewtopic.php?f=4&t=18 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=181 viewtopic.php?f=4&t=659 information by TWAM (the site manager/admin) explaining everything you are wondering, and if you have questions feel free to either post there, or contact them directly and always keep in mind, the site is very new and they are in the processes of getting it better, but these things take time
  7. I doubt it unless those makers somehow (in another universe maybe) come together make a deal, i dunno...doubt it ^.^
  8. Mine is my site username : ViolentDelights (meaning is from a poem, kudos to you if you recognize it, too many people ask me if its supposed to be "dirty" ugh ) If anyone plays a lot of Swat we should definitely play! thats what i mostly play and the best in the halos
  9. welcome rap! and ohh trust me i know what you mean :/ too many drama seeking people there, and honestly i hope this site stays for the most part nice, fun, clean, entertaining, and not too packed (at that point the "trolling" is unbearable!) yes its refreshing to get out of their! haha, anyways, i hope you like it here, and plan to stay a while, as the site is progressing, and will extraordinary in do time
  10. Warm welcome Spec, i love hearing personal stories from the community, we all hope you love the site, and plan to stay! oooh and what kind of dog do you have? i love animals c:
  11. welcome revbob, and i know what ya mean! i think 343 will make halo 4 and those thereafter great (really, have you read the books they look after, and halo waypoint is genius) hope you like it here and plan to stay! see you around the site
  12. nice to meet ya Odss! welcome to the 343 site, definitely a work in progress, and there much more to come! hope you like it here, and dont forget to check out the rules, and other forums, wed love to hear what you think see ya around mate
  13. welcome to the forum, and yes im happy to see 343 is working on halo, if bungie isnt working on it im content 343 is, they are the next best thing, i have no doubts for them anyways, its great to see a new member! feel free to, of course, go into our other forums and give your two cents! dont forgot to check out the rules and such, have a good one!
  14. Hi there, a warm welcome for ya (: You are probably fine, maybe head over to the rules page, or check out the halo 4 and CE ideas forums for some great reads! feel free to contribute, hope you like it here!
  15. Oh man, i cant wait till these are all implemented and more (it will definitely take time, but heck everything takes time) this site will be amazing although, no doubt many bungie members will flood in soon, and no doubt the site might crash once or twice, hopefully nothing will be lost, so its good to back up the systems first then make it all pretty id say!
  16. Here's something you'll find funny, I hit it with the ladies and guys, cause I'm a girl! ( didn't think that noa did ya?) I knew it that you re a girl, since i ve read one of your posts the first time. I guess that you are a naughty girl!! I like that (naughty girls) pretty much !! LOL i wasnt sure if you knew or not, thats pretty funny! and dont call me naughty!! (theres kids here! for seriously)
  17. Although this was posted a bit ago, ill say this is a fantastic idea (altho frankly i already have mp3/itouch, but id love to participate just to get more members!) giving away prizes of course not only boost members, but also gets the community entertained and a touch competitive to potentially win a prize! and give hope to others with random drawings oh and i have a suggestion, it would be a good idea to set up some "343" nights, scheduled events where members can play together (with different hosts, setting up games, and inviting those who signed up to play that night) i do this a lot in other gaming forum sites and its incredibly fun! you gain a lot of friends and definitely more of a community feel (not to mention that could lead to little 343 competitions but not to an extent where it gets to intense or "clan" like you could say, unless people want that he)
  18. i kinda agree with you, but i wasnt too sad for reach was another planet, with different Spartans, so some things were okay because they were cannon, but i cant wait to go back to the flow of the original halos!
  19. Thanks Twam, cant wait to see whats to come!
  20. my first post was nice, then when i politely say no, my argument was fine, and i give you my reason, you go and insult me in the most pathetic ways, and apparently you just cant handle me telling you off, you have to dissect every little thing to insult me farther, how cool are you ? far beyond caring about your pathetic insults (oh i guess you will dissect every little thing about this post too hmm? too bad i dont have a care in the world of a word you breathe , and ill never see it, so feel cool and superior to all your virtual friends
  21. yes, even i need to be protected, because when i get really mad i curse A LOT (lol if you see a recent post youll know what i mean!) so at least in bungie itd be bleeped out ^.^
  22. part of me wants the halo 3 ranking back, but honestly way too many times i play with horrible people (i always play SWAT, and my team dies a lot, although i get a good K/D) and i didnt want to join a clan, or always play with the same people, so it makes me like reach's ranking more, but the problem with it is that yes many high ranks just play a lot and so its time wise raking really, and you think that the "k/d" would show their skill? no...many times the people either boost and/or play a buttload of infection, not to mention credits and challenges for campaign and firefight boosting thanks for your insightful opinion!
  23. Here's something you'll find funny, I hit it with the ladies and guys, cause I'm a girl! ( didn't think that noa did ya?)
  24. Muahah But seriously now, both guns have just as much reason to be a part of the game, maybe with luck both will. i really and truly hope so
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