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Everything posted by ViolentDelights

  1. someone must have said this already but illl say it anyways, the remake's multiplayer isnt supposed to be on a level all on its own, it will be 100% reach engine and graphics its really just different maps, it is not a new multiplayer experience, as seen in any Halo CEA video demos and trailer, etc, otherwise it would take way too long to make the remake, that's why H4 will have (im pretty positive) a new engine, graphics, etc, and its going to take a while, and has been in production for a bit too, (the way it should be not a yearly release) sooo these new (serious) multiplayer ideas should be saved for H4
  2. Id love that, in reach and H3 i didnt get the LE because the items werent too exciting for me, and i couldnt get that kind of money, but i got the next best (reach with halsey's journal, etc) so i hope Halo CEA has a LE neva seen before
  3. yes i agree, id like black, and secondary colbolt blue
  4. Ill try to keep this short. (oh and sorry if i sound sarcastic, i actually mean this stuff) c: Im a simple girl, a simple hardcore gamer, (okay more so SWAT in all Halos) and i really. really. really. really. really want blow away graphics and fantastic engine (imagine when MC sets foot on that mysterious planet, the artificial nature inner core, outer core where all of those "flying orbs are" , the awe inspiring lighting and motion. that is first. second, i want the best campaign of all halos, let alone all games (im totally being realistic!) I want a realistic campaign, one where there isn't TOO many cheesy one liner from MC and Cortana (notice when i say not too many, it is a trademark!) yes, great acting, lots of good cinematic, but not overboard. Now i have heard that since this planet was actually known by ONI, and believed to be named something like Sigma 7, and has UNSC people their, along with other Spartans, 2&3s , there will be new weapons, along with new dark enemies, (in caves lol BTW) and so i hope we will have more weapons in campaign and mulitplayer...dmr and br (swat girl remember) ar i okay, though i never use it, bloom or not doesnt matter much to me, but wouldnt be very cannon....if we were MCs AA wouldn't suffice. although i like sprint. (swat remember?) Okay heres the ugly (lol) i really really really really really want to keep the female figure in HALO 4 (matchmaking) (of course i wouldn't mind in campaign, but if i was playing MC that would be so bad.) i doubt we are all going to look like MC in multiplayer, and ive heard (and pray) that we will have even more customization for lots of things, and so i REALLY want to customize my multiplayer/character . Yes i know, in the cannon Spartan 3s cant be recognized as female or not, but come one what day and age is this?? when you see very muscular women, you still notice they are women, the way they walk, their bodies etc. This is very important to many people, and doesn't make sense, most people are apposed because it doesn't matter to them, but i want to pay as a women. /blah rant part over altho this probably wouldn't happen, id LOVE to literally customize my person, with their helmets off, (in game helmet on, would be best) face, hair, etc. (really just head).
  5. I have to say one thing, they barely "copied" "call of duty" many games implement these "traits" you are speaking of, and all of them are backed up, things similar to AAs were used by the Spartan IIIs because they were not as strong as the IIs, etc, along with bloom, etc, REACH WAS A PREQUEL, it wasnt supposed to be like the other Halos at all, i barely consider it Halo, that doesnt mean i dont have a lot of fun playing it, because i feel like its a different game, and well to me the most important thing in SWAT like i said in my earlier post, so things didnt change TOO much, but from someone who has been playing HALO from the beginning, i cant wait for the next halo , and the two after that, ive been waiting since halo 3 release (okay when i saw the legendary ending i knew they would have the 4th)
  6. Im on the fence about this, because im a SWAT girl, all i play in halo really is SWAT, more so in Reach, and you see sprint is very important, but with all of the other AA i have no use for, and really is silly. I think they should have an AA playlist, but not in the common team slayer (no "classic, etc, its too confusing with all of those playlists!) so to conclude, dont take out the AA completely(really only in a specific playlist, and not at all except for sprint in all others, or something along those lines), but really i want it to be sparse in the campaign, except for sprint, i think sprint should be a baseline option on the controller like most games out there.
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