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Posts posted by Muzza

  1. UK resident who pre-ordered months before release now stuck on level 70 & now feels slighly let down as multiplayer is now dead to me. Any code to my gamertag greatly appreciated, fingers crossed. Hopefully this ongoing saga will end shortly though I feel like the opposite may occur with no end in sight to this which has effected thousands of loyal Haloists.

  2. It most definately should be available to all through matchmaking. Dissapointed to see it not included as I wont play the campaign now as much as it deserves & I would like to. To continuously spam friends is not really an option also messaging, waiting for replies arranging & organising sessions is a bore & a pain, I want to able to just search for a game & play just as in Reach. Please, please, please, 343 add this to a playlist in the near future I beg of you. There were always a few hundred people playing co-op campaign on Reach & even after I beat Reach on Leg I still played co-op to help randoms out & it was fun, the amount of easter eggs & funny stuff I was shown by fellow random gamers (which I could then show to others) was unbelievable & this would not have happened if there was not matchmaking co-op & I would have missed out on so much good stuff, it was exactly the same with Gears3 & it worked a treat. Its a shame for us all to be missing out on these priceless campaign moments due to no matchmaking. Please hear me 343!!

    Ps Loving the game though. :)

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