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Everything posted by sevenstrings113

  1. I've already posted on here, the Halo Waypoint forums and even got on the horn with Xbox/Microsoft support. I did change my e-mail address related to my gamertag recently, but it was already updated and confirmed by Xbox Live before the specialization codes went out. There is absolutely no reason why I should not have received the codes by now and am forced to experience the same frustration of not being able to level up or enjoy new specs. Based on other forums, posts and articles, it seems like there is a large part of the Halo 4 community that also hasn't received their specialization codes even though they're fully qualified to receive them. This is a major fail on 343's part and has taken away a major portion of the enjoyable gameplay of Halo 4 for me. I miss Bungie already.
  2. Despite playing Halo 4 before November 20th, being over 18 years of age and registered in the US, I have still not received my specialization codes via email. Any reason why I haven't received them yet?
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