I like pretty much like nearly everything about halo4...
the loadouts I feel give everyone the same advantage..being able to get better with all weapons just got easier as now you load with them instead of finding them once in awhile..being stuck with a pistol half the match..
ordnance drops keeps the game interesting, also rewarding for playing well. This can turn the tides of the battle when teams are camping nearly half the game and you luckout with some rockets. Sure sometimes campers got skill...but lets face it...those games..are hella boring...
new sound effects, weapons campaign masterchief, are all awesome in my book.
here are some of the things I felt weren't that great in the game..or..were hit or miss for me...
amor customization is a little stale, some of the gear you unlock for your spartan looks simply don't look great..some are just quite fugly man...not game breaking obviously..but if all i've got to look forward to is unlocking stuff...and no skill rank...then make the unlockables really badass looking..keep me wanting them.
The new point system of infinity slayer I feel breaks the gameplay..players are rewarded even if they do terrible, even if they cost you the match..they end up MVP...you got 15 kills, 2 deaths, MVP on your team gots 22 kills, 26 deaths...do the math...he's rewarded MVP...and now thinks his team lost because you simply weren't doing enough...you think he didn't deserve the mvp...your team lost because he leaked the kills...is one right and one wrong? especially if his kill weapon was melee? In my opinion, yes. I don't ever remember playing the game that way...trying to get highscore while not even considering my deaths...this guy goes onto every random team, same mindset....the skil system as it is..considers him..a good player it seems, what do you think?..mind you, I understand that playstyle fits for regicide/lonewolf type, not team games.
The inifinity slayer is about points, we get that part. The end stats, should be different. Don't just reflect the points earned in the match with no k/d effect on points. We know how much points we got, now grade us on our actual performance...let that guy say damn why am I last place? I got more kills...oh..it's because I died so much...well..let me try and get better at team work...and surviving...
that in itself as it is sometimes makes me rush into battle like an idiot too..why? because it just seems like KD doesnt even matter anymore. I don't brag about not dying a lot, I don't get a huge kill count, once in awhile I do...the important thing is Positive KD is associated with playing good and smart...tactical...you understand team work..even if you play lonewolf style, knowing KD is asscociated with that makes you play different when playing on a team.
ordnance drop...oh my god..simply...makes me want to throw my controller at the screen at times...I swear there are times..where I seriously get a power weapon..ME...it's my TURN...I can SAVE THE TEAM!!! HELLS YEA!!!....I call in ordnance...I asked for a sniper..rockets..something like that...cuhBLAM!...ordnance ready....wtf?...the hell is this empty @ss canister? are you serious? I'm looking around for it...all of a sudden I die...I respawn...suddenly, the ordnance appears where I died...ORDNANCE STOLEN...sweet..now my team mates think I'm a moron...
the fix for this for me...is to be careful when calling it in by multiple platforms...and NEVER ppoint it to come to close by you or right next to you...I guess somehow it glitches..don't get me wrong, I love ordnance when it's not glitchy...sometimes you don't get what you want..but...I feel it makes the game more fun, because it's a variable in battle. We No longer rely on power weapons to respawn...oh wait...connecting to host? holy crap..the snipe just respawned...! oh and..yea sometimes..I am forced to call it in right next to me because I'm stuck and pinned and that power weapon can save me....I guess just at that time, I didn't know it would glitch up.
connecting to host issues...laggy game play..str8 up glitches in the game..the glitches I've encountered were just...ridiculous!...not many many glitches..but I once got shot by a dmr while in a ghost, suddenly game laggs ever so slightly..mind you im going left right to kill the guy in open space on the field..n one else is around..suddenly..the ghost is as high as a banshee..explodes..I die...I got the vid clip on my xbox...saved...I didn't enter any lifts...
I once 1v1 a guy...he had some mad ninja skills..teleporting all over the place..bam 4 shots...bam melee...bam melee...I crouch..bam melee his nuts..wtf is going on?..is he dead?...he teleported again..guess I missed him...bam 4 more shots..3 head shots..he's dancing around teleporting..melee...melee....dude wtf? ok forget this guy he's probably dead and the games lagging...ASSASSINATION...wth? he just raped me? he goes on to get an overkill.....my entire team quits the game..so do I..it was hilarious..but in the heat of the moment..frustrated the crap out of me..it isn't the first time it's happened...but I gotta say that was the worst it's ever been.
No rank kinda sucks..I'm not a [pro gamer..I don't brag about my skill rank...I'm not top tier...so why do I want it? because I like to see who I get matched up with..if the matchmaking system of how it picks players is accurate or not..if the skill ranking is accurate or not..and most importantly, trying to raise that number keeps me on the edge of my seat, working towards getting better....I feel makes the game more fun, and deffinitely more rewarding...keep it so that if you lose a lot, you rank down....so obviously, when lower "skillranked" players outrank you, you don't stay on top....because if you did..well then...the number would truely be meaningless..
bring back all the play lists..hell...not just some..who cares who likes what because everyone liked at least one of them, so bring them all back...we aren't forced to play what we don't like..so it only makes sense to include them all...
I think that's about all I got to say bad about the game...the game itself is really fun as hell to play...AA's are pretty sweet...everyone gots sprint...good stages..one or 2 bad....gotta agree crimson map pissed me off at first...but..learn how to play that map, you wil not hate it as much as long as your team understands the choke points and high traffic points as well...it was free..big plus..however take some of them out of inifinity slayer and leave them in BTB in my opinion.
I still hate camo..but I never felt camo was game breaking, all AA's can be overcome...wish thruster got a boost like how evade was..but...then it would deff be OP and everyone would be flying around like ninjas...
Just my opinions, it's al gravy if you agree or disagree
my last thoughts...the rumor of a new halo being in the works already...gives me the impression..that all of our arguments might not be for making halo4 a better game...but for making halo5{or whatever it may be called) it's successor. I wish it weren't so, because it would cause halo4 to seem like a joke..and in essence would remind me of when marvel vs capcom 3 i think..the last one..was released..people complained so much, that within months, a new one came out....same exact game, few few few more characters that could have just been inputed in the previous...the cheapness fixed..all wrapped up in a new 60 dollar game with more 5 dollar dlc characters that are already ON the disk just not accessible..i turned in the game for 5 dollars (previous one)..didn't care how much I paid..because I preferred the 5 dollars over 2 halves of a broken cd in my trashcan...never got the new one...and never will..
course..if a new halo comes out..I'll be the first to pre order this time around..because halo4 is not a broken game, its a very damn good game with a few pet peeves on the list for just about everyone. Nothing game breaking, but if a few things are tweaked or fixed would bring this title truly comparible to the fan favorites of halo 2 and halo 3...343 shouldn't think of it as reverting to the old halos instead of improving on it..instead should see it as simply implementing features that were never broken...insert the old saying here...."why fix what is not broken?" in terms for the old playlists, ranking system etc...
sorry for long post