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Everything posted by Kentzer135

  1. Is this a recurring problem for alot of people because ive just hit SR70 and when ive asked other people why i might not have received the code all i get is try any other email accounts you have, i only have the one and im yet to get an explanation or advise into what i can do to get them, the main thing that i enjoy in halo 4 at the moment is the fact you can level up and try new specs but as ive hit a brick wall its only frustration that i cant try the next 6 specs as promised really dont know what to do Its ok i found out why i have no email, 343 seems to think that europe doesn't matter so they thought not to include us in the offer, well thank you 343 for wasting my time all you had to put in the original message about the gift offer was who is included and who you clearly don't give a rats about
  2. I would just like to know what or who exactly i need to email or contact, as you said it will take a while for all the emails to go out but thats was since the 1st and i have still not got no email, i bought the game the day it came out and ive just hit SR70 and really want to explore the next spec, any advise on what i can do would be great
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