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@Shadow KryPTiiC@

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    Shadow KryPTiiC

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  1. Map: Last Stand: City Heights Gametype: Last Stand Creator: Shadow KryPTiiC Player Count: 10-12 Waypoint link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/shadow%20kryptiic/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=d56da219-6608-443b-87d3-02db48ffb67d Hello Everyone, I am Shadow KryPTiiC I would like to present my map Last Stand: City Heights, or just City Heights for short. This map takes place in a vacant structure that has not been used since long before the start of the zombie outbreak. A band of humans have been living in the building since the ground of the city is too dangerous. Little do the survivors know that the zombies have discovered their location and are grouping up to attack. Can you survive the Zombie onslaught? The map itself takes place in a three story building that the humans cannot leave since the gametype Last Stand disables the ability to jump. There are two zombie entrances per floor but once the zombies take over a floor, the staircase from this floor counts as another access point for the flood to attack the humans. Aside from the 3 floors, there is also a roof for the humans to hold out on. Thats about it, enjoy the rest of the thread (: Here is a side view of the building itself (the playspace for the humans) Here is another view of the structure from a different viewpoint. Here is a picture of the second floor (though each floor looks fairly the same since it is a vacant structure) Here is one of the entrances for the zombies on the second floor. This is a walkway to connect to a neighboring building. Here is a view of the third floor. Here is a picture of the roof. A favorite spot for humans, though it can be easily overrun. This is the man cannon that hurls the zombies at the roof. Here is the OTHER man cannon that hurls zombies to the third floor. The flood spawn in almost all the structures that surround the main building. Here is yet another view of the building, and here i would like to point out the railings which provide the zombies with an easy ramp up to the first floor. Here is my favorite part of the map, the window washer! Though people like to point out it doesnt actually wash a window (: Anyways, that just about raps up this map, I hope you all enjoyed (:
  2. The weapon placement for me is a little iffy. My only problem is, there's not a whole lot of weapons, and also the whole right side of the map doesnt even have a weapon, therefore there is no movement or gameplay out in that area. My advice is probably to put another assault rifle out there. Also, you said it was difficult for the humans with no turret in hivemind, all you had to do was include a SAW.
  3. noble, he made this before kitten cobblywobbles.
  4. ummmm whadup with the grid, the man cannons, and two warthogs?
  5. Nice Fuzzy, bring this to an Mk25 lobby, im curious to see how it plays.
  6. yes it works, he's been testing this map since the beginning of halo 4. Of course he took the weapon tuning into account.
  7. That sign is absolutely epic but you copied REMkings map from halo reach, you probably did it not knowingly but you copied the exact same concept
  8. ummmm...you know just submitting it doesnt guarantee a map feature.
  9. I like the look, the ferris wheel sounds kinds over powered but looks nice.
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