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    in my room in a corner
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    halo, the actual halo.

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    Raging Wolf Pup

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  1. one thing i found wrong with halo 4, is there arent alot of guns, which made their loadout system. stupid. reason being two guns that are used every fight, the BR or DMR. i dont know about anyone else, but i'd like to get shot at something else that didnt take 4 bursts or shots to kill me with. add something else in like god forbid i say this, but be like call of duty. they have about 30+ weps. in their game. each has their own ups and downs to it. a loadout system looks great on paper for halo, but sucks due to there are hardly any guns in the game. my second is the armor abilities, evasion worked a hell of alot better than a thruster pack. evasion u go around the corner, thruster i get pushed 1meter ahead woo hoo!! my third, it pisses me off 343 didnt take time like bungie did when it came to deveolping their game. reason being, when halo 4 came out, everyone around the world can be put into a lobby. which when you shot the guy, ur shots did no damage. they fixed in the first week, but how about it doesnt happen when the game comes out? like when your first map pack came out and everyone could download it for free? my fourth, your wearing armor, ur armor pieces shouldnt just be there for looks, actually give a armor piece a ability, like the grenadier chest piece, it should have had a dencer shield to it. i mean make ur armor have meaning not just look pretty. make them have traits. scout armor, makes you run faster, but your shields arent that great, due to the more speed, and ur cloaking armor ability lasts longer. something on the lines of that. make the game better, and it would (hopefully) make everyone think of ways to put different armor pieces together, to make their spartan to their liking. and my second is, females arent all built the same, some can hold heavy armor, and some cant. how about you have a sizing system, and actual requirment to wear the armor. like george, he was big as hell, and wore heavy spartan armor. (that actually covered his shoulders, all the shoulder armor looks like bicep armor js) put more thought in. oh another thing about the armor, dont half ass it. put time into it. i dont know where you got the idea of the pioneer helmet, but 1 helmet from reach made that helmet look like chicken crap. i mean alot of the halo 4 helmets looked rushed, and hardly any thought into it. make actual helmets, not ones like (another example) the ranger helmet, you look like an attacking mentally retarded bird. and before anyone gets onto me for saying that. go back to reach, or the other halos. and take a good look at their armor. then look at halo 4s. bungie's armor vs 343's in my opinon it looks alot better than their armor. it looks thrown together just to get it done and make more money. and your spartan figures from female to male, look really bad aswell, they both look really to skinny and not enough muscle. halo reach, the male spartan was perfect. the female spartan could have used alitte less on the butt. but they got it right. on the models and how they run as well. and another thing that bugs me. when you assinate where the hell do you pull your knife from? i mean if you can come up with a way you get your knife out. i will be amazed. but knowing no bungie employee will look at this, and put serious thought into their next game. like every game making company, they ask for suggestions and nothing, honestly take everyones opinion into consideration. and try to put it together the best you can. i know making a game is hard, im not saying all your hard work is bad. well i kinda did. i was pissed while typing. (sorry in advance) i know wat its like to work with coding. and how long it takes. its a pain. but maybe if u put some extra thought and went back to your earlyer designs of your spartan armor. like the ones i see all over google. make actual helmets. and put it to where you can attatch something that could help the person out with it. not armor abilities. and hell if i showed you what i could come up with in a day for a spartan i would. i mean i use to have tons of pre made out sketches of armor, and little side notes for the what the purpose of that certain armor does. anyway we all have our opinions, just thought i should have mine out there. sorry if i offended people.
  2. I have noticed something, halo 4 is very ****** up. Assault rifles need tweaks, and the dmr needs a bigger reticle and spartan ops missions needs different maps not recycled ones.

    1. SykoWolf


      DMR is a marksman rifle, you need to have skill to use it. The assault rifle is an ASSAULT rifle.. nuff said

    2. LiQuid BioniX
    3. 36-2071 Pragmatic Avarice

      36-2071 Pragmatic Avarice

      The entire pan-dimensional we occupy doesn't give a crap, Ragingwolf.

  3. eh all i'm gonna say is this, if 343 doesn't stop worrying about halo 5 and actually do something for halo 4 for the next seasons of spartan ops and halo 4 war games, i'm gonna return my copy of halo 4 and get black ops 2.
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