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Everything posted by kbake22

  1. So I heard that apparently the Prometheans are the main antagonists. How does this work considering that the Forerunner have been portrayed as good throughout the entire series and books? Any thoughts or theories?
  2. You might want to read the Halo books, especially the first in the Forerunner series before coming to your conclusion. If you want to read a spoiler by me, see below. If not, stop reading and go get the books. The flood were originally a powder sent in a vial, picked up by HUMANS before the Human-Forerunner War. Yes, the humans were incredibly advanced before fighting the Forerunner. Humans and Prophets (known as San Shyuum (or something like that)) were originally allies that helped to find a "cure" for the Flood and were able to defeat it. The Forerunner made an error by killing off the Prophets who knew the cure, and the Humans were sent back to the stone age for resisting them. At the very end of the book, the last Precursor was seen, and he said that the Flood was the Precursor response to their defeat at the hands of the Forerunner. The Precursors are very evil.
  3. Although I think it would be cool, I would rather not have them do a remake of either Halo 2 or Halo 3. It would be until 2017 for them to do those (2015 for Halo 2 and 2017 for Halo 3). By that time, a lot of the people who played the originals as children would be grown up and out of college. I just think that Halo just needs to be laid to rest or at least have Halo 4, 5, and 6 be the very end of the series. If they keep making Halo games, the series will eventually fade away just as we are seeing with CoD nowadays. Also, Halo 2 and Halo 3, despite being tremendously successful, they are not nearly as significant as Halo: CE. They only continued what Halo: CE started.
  4. People, I think we need to remember a few things here. One, is that Halo CE Anniversary will be to Reach just as Halo 3 ODST was to Halo 3. It will have a completely separate campaign, but multiplayer will definitely stay the same as Reach. Second, this is a renovation (so to speak), not a remake. They are likely to try to keep it as original as possible. That means there will likely be no combat knife, or plethora of armor abilities. Vehicles are also likely to stay extremely similar to those of Halo Reach, and the new vehicles (such as the Falcon) will not be featured, most likely. However, that is not to say I don't think campaign could stand to be slightly tweaked. I think they can add in assassinations without them having to be with a combat knife (ie snapping the necks of enemies). Also, a few armor abilities added to the campaign couldn't hurt anybody. For instance, just have Sprint and Roll. The rest, such as invisibility and overshields, can just be found as in the original game. No jetpacks or armor lock though. Armor abilities and assassinations, for the most part, should be reserved for multiplayer. Also, I do agree that the graphics should be a bit grittier, but I won't be complaining if they don't make them so. Just as a little finishing note, I'd just like to state my opinion regarding the fairness of armor abilities. I believe that they are perfectly fair. This is because EVERYONE has them. If you are getting your ass handed to you by 5 year olds using sprint, it's not because it's a cheap ability. It's because you yourself likely are not using your armor ability or just don't use it usefully. I'm not saying you're bad at Halo, it's just that Armor abilities clearly aren't your style of play. I just believe that just because someone has difficulty adjusting to changes, doesn't mean that the game itself is bad or to blame for their lower performance compared to the previous games. So, anyway, that is all what I think about the Halo: CE Anniversary. I hope I provided some helpful insight. :ugeek:
  5. This is also an idea I would support. Please see my previous one though
  6. I think that it will be about Chief trying to get home. As for enemies, seeing as the destruction of the Ark only killed the Gravemind and all Flood on that installation, I think that Flood enemies are a definite. The story could be that Chief discovers that there is yet another, more dangerous Gravemind who has corrupted a Shield World and the AI on it (opening the way for Halo 5 and 6). All those who read the Terminals and the books probably remember how it was mentioned that the Gravemind had corrupted a Forerunner AI before. I think they'll try and make more complex Flood enemies at that. For instance, the Flood Juggernaut was an idea for Halo 2 that never got put in and, to me, it sounded like a friggin' sick ass boss to fight. About the corrupted AI part, I think the Gravemind might turn the Sentinels and Monitors against John (I hate writing "the Chief" over and over lol). Now, without any Covenant to fight, seeing as they're defeated, it would be pretty damned boring to fight the sentinels we all know and love from the previous games. I'm thinking they'll add an additional class of sentinels or two. I would imagine they'd have bipedal ones, maybe similar to the Geth in Mass Effect in appearance, and you can remove their weapons off of them. Also, I'd like to add that I don't think any live Forerunner or Precursor will be encountered. And honestly, I don't want them. Their disappearance and absence makes them seem that much more mysterious, and I like mystery in a story. To sum it all up for those who don't like to read, I think that Chief will really be alone on this one (with no Human or Covenant companions), he will be trying to get home above all else, will discover the corrupted shield world with a second gravemind on it, and there will just be a plethora of new Flood forms and corrupted Sentinels to fight. Also, I don't think there will or should be any living Forerunner or Precursor in the game.
  7. yeah but Onyx exploded
  8. I'm just very curious as to what the campaign will be like. Chief is stranded in space on a torn up ship, so I assume he won't exactly be in the company of any previous characters, especially humans. Also, It wouldn't really make sense for him to have a whole lot of human or Covenant anything. I'm especially curious as to what the campaign will be about, and what enemies he will encounter. If he already destroyed the Flood, it wouldn't make too much sense to have them be the main enemies (However, I am kind of confused as to how destroying the Ark destroyed all the Flood). I also think it wouldn't make sense that the Forerunner are somehow the enemy considering they're depicted as the "good guys" of the ancient races and humans are the "child" of them. The precursors as an enemy might be a little more plausible (if you read the latest book, you might understand). In my opinion, this new series will basically be the Odyssey (because I assume that it's about Chief trying to get back to Earth and the rest of humanity) to the 3 previous Halo games (with Chief as the protagonist) as the Illiad. What other (intelligent) ideas do people have regarding anything having to do with the campaign?
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