Hey idiot I would enjoy the game if I had a reason to play like a ranked playlist and yes I do ENJOY winning the game so go suck one go play campaign with your friends and leave the multiplayer battling up to the bosses k nub .
I can't figure out why the hell would the BR have two reticles like its not bad enough already 5 shots to kill someone, can't be used long range at all and to top it all of it has TWO reticles it's not a God dam DMR 343 get you're act to gether and stop running Halo4 ,Reach 2.0 is what the title should be.
Absolutely terrible it's Reach 2.0 op DMR with fake bloom Br is trash and has two reticles which I still can't figure out why it's not a DMR. No ranked ,boltshot is op and makes the game so fun not! Game got boring first week it came out .
No ranked Br is horrible invis is disgusting made for campers with snipes overall this game got boring the first week it came out its reach 2.0 and that's why halo sucks now a days
Here's a map glitch I found that needs to be fixed http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=plcp&v=ItKwN7DYRUA
You're welcome 343 now give me my ranked playlist.
Being needy? Man I've been a REAL Halo fan for over 5 years .They need a real ranking system every GOOD Halo has had one so calling the REAL Halo fans needy for wanting a real ranking system is absoultely ridiculous on your part.