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choppa boppa

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Everything posted by choppa boppa

  1. Its really tough to pull off the black tho, on darker maps black blends in, making it somewat unbalanced and harder to hit the guy...id like to see black too but im not sure at the same time
  2. I am curious to see what the majority of fans would like to see in terms of the mood for this halo game. Something dark and very scary and a bit more serious? Or the style that Bungie went by for years, with the chucklehead humor. Leave thoughts and opinions about what you guys would like to see. :?:
  3. Thought about it a lot and it would be kool to see people's ideas on wat sort of grenades they would like to see in halo 4, personally i wanna see something different from previous halo games but at the same time i still want my sticky's back. Leave a comment and share some ideas. :mrgreen
  4. interesting about the energy sword...i wonder if it will be in halo 4 considering the covenant are gone...but at the same time many of the forerunner technology was pretty much replicated by the covenant.....so we very well could see a possible forerunner energy sword which would be kool....but at the same time that is even if the forerunners are in Halo 4...i guess time will tell
  5. i totally agree PLEASE NO ARMOR ABILITIES!
  6. I thought it would be a pretty cool idea to see wat people had to say about the kind of weapons they think are gonna be in halo 4 OR wat kind of weapons they would like to see. I mean because of the Halo trilogy being done by Bungie and everything, do u think that 343 are going to make all new weapons? or do u think were still going to see a lot of the weapons back from before...(battle rifle, sniper, pistol with scope, etc...) Just say ur guys ideas on wat u would like to see and/or wat u think is going to be in the game weapons wise
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