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ciber 1.0

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Everything posted by ciber 1.0

  1. Except for the snipers, H2 was very easy. Reach and H4 are the hardest, not sure which takes it.
  2. ciber 1.0


    It sucks, but as a kid I remember paying $70+ on an NES game. Even with annoying DLC we are still paying reasonable prices. My main issue with DLC is when it comes out pretty much at launch. It's one thing to charge for some actual new content months down the road, but a few new maps that already existed at launch time is a gyp. Of course I'm a halo junkie so I bought the season pass thing.
  3. I've been playing Halo since day 1 CE, and I'm enjoying 4 more than any game in the series since H2. The game has more stuff now which does make the play a little different, but isn't that a good thing? Otherwise we would just be playing H2 with better graphics every few years. People are overly nostalgic about the past (human nature) but the older games had their share of flaws as well. In CE the only weapon ever used was the magnum. Sure we had a blast at LAN parties and over xbox connect but that's because it was all new to us. A ranked playlist like they had in H2 would be nice. H4 isn't perfect, but nothing is. I agree with others that it get's old hearing MLG guys tell the rest of us that we don't understand what makes a good game. Guess what? These games aren't made for you. They are made for the broad community, and you decide whether or not you want to make it all "professional". I have a real job, so the #1 focus for me is playing a fun game, not on tiny details that make pro competition suffer.
  4. Killing after the game isn't a big deal, I do it sometimes. I know there are some that think "yeah, I'm hard I got that kill", but whatever. Usually I shoot my gun in the air for a win or punch a rock for a loss. Agreed, "oh I'm so funny, I want my balls in some dudes mouth, this is original and funny" (dude, keep your fetishes out of halo, save them for your off time) - assassinate -> Karma
  5. LOL, I've been hearing this same thing since Halo2 came out. "omg, Halo is over, they took all the skill out, now noobs can kill MLG pros" ha Just a bunch of people whining because the thousands of hours they spent perfecting every little nuance of the previous game doesn't apply directly to the new one. They die a few times to people that are trying new things and suddenly "oh the skill is gone!!" Also, tons of "Halo is dead now" posts will be around. Man, the games change but whiny people never do.
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