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Everything posted by jugganaut321

  1. I actually played Halo 3 the other day and noticed that the mass file search was removed. It was probably a privacy issue that they had to remove and it wasn't put in Halo 4. However Halo 3 did have ForgeHub, and I am wondering if there will be something similar for Halo 4 so that people can download popular maps.
  2. Even if you can search someone's gamertag, that's not what I'm refering to. In Halo 3 and Reach you could access every single map that was created by people (or game type or screenshot etc) in one place, not only in the game but also on Forgehub.com. You could look on the website and download maps from the site to your xbox. It seems like in Halo 4 you can only play on maps that you make yourself
  3. Hey guys, Remember in Halo 3 and Reach how you could easily go into File Browser and look up the most popular map variants / game types / screenshots / videos created by the thousands of people that play Halo and uploaded their creations to their file shares? And how easy it was to download then and play on them yourself? I can't find anywhere to do that in Halo 4, when I go into File Search everything says no files found and everyones file share is blank. Is it not possible in Halo 4 to download maps made by other players? I really hope I'm missing something here.
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