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Brute Chieftain

Brute Chieftain (6/19)



  1. Frankie actually says its not a shield world at all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_swG05xhCE8&feature=player_embedded Skip to about 7:50
  2. I had no clue KSI even still existed. Didnt come to join was just surprised lol either way congrats on thriving through out the years and good luck in all your future endeavors.
  3. And there isnt a problem with that. You are definitely entitled to your own opinion but i think what most competitive people are trying to say is that they want some sort of compromise. Whether that is bringing back social playlists(which i think is preferable) or something else its not too big a deal just so long as we get a skilled ranking system that lets us play in our own tier. I dont think any competitive player wants to alienate casual players. They are just as important and halo in general needs both casuals and competitors to get back on top. Not to mention everyone likes to play only for fun sometimes, we cant play seriously all the time so even competitive players want a place to go when we need a break.
  4. It does look a little weird right now but its something everyone will get used to.
  5. Agree with this. I miss the beam rifle and hope its back in but if its not then i suppose no secondary. If they had to use one then the pistol wouldnt bother me too much
  6. Those scenarios arent the norm. Most times you lose will be because you didnt do well enough. You ask whats the point of ranking down, how can you not see the benefits of playing within your own tier? Thats the point. If you arent good enough to play with a certain level then you should be ranked down to play comfortably at your own skill level. Let me ask you whats the point of not ranking down? Why even have a rank then? Is it really so important for people to see how long you played because it seems pointless to me. If you just want to play for fun and dont really care about a rank so much then wouldnt bringing back social be a good compromise?
  7. You cant say its not a halo game. We havent seen enough to draw that conclusion. Wait until the release then you can have any opinion you like, just give it a chance. Remember that a lot of the people working at 343 have already worked on past halo games and have a good idea as to what makes a halo game feel like halo
  8. Lol im being stupid? Where in my post was my lack of intelligence showing? Maybe im just too stupid too notice. Also you are so mad its hilarious. Dont like when people disagree with you? You are entitled to your own opinion but you are posting it on an online forum. You best expect it will be criticized. You should consider leaving this forum for awhile and do a little growing up. Your views are unpopular because they are illogical lack any sort of understanding of the game of halo. And yes please dont bother with me anymore. If not for me then do it for your own dignity while you still have any(you dont).
  9. I definitely have no problem with older maps being remade but they have to do it right. For one they have to be remakes, none of this spiritual successor business. Two, only a few should come shipped with the game. If they want to remake any others, let it be DLC. I agree though, its wonderful that they are focusing on the maps being competitively designed. Its easy for casuals to have fun on a competitive map but not so much for competitive players to be able to play seriously on a casual map.
  10. If they are minor changes then it shouldnt be too much of a problem. Its not something id be thrilled about but it could be implemented in a good way
  11. Almost all of these maps should be something new. 1 or 2 remakes would be great but any more than that is sort of pushing it.
  12. It looks like you are backed into a corner haha Im not sure where in my post that i was "so pissed off". The only pissed off person i see is you. Your arguments are so weak and you make yourself look like a fool consistently. You are immature and are the exact type of person that is killing this community. If you want to dispute something i say then actually make sense and bring up reasonable points. As it is you havent made any effort towards swaying anyone, just been making false claims. Did you ever think that there is a reason why so many people disagree with you and you are always in some sort of fight? It isnt just coincidence. If you are a troll then good job but if not then you might want to reevaluate your "persuasion techniques". Also please point out where i claimed i was pro lol?
  13. Fang

    Halo 4 3rd-Person?

    Im sorry but no, this is a terrible idea. Cant we just let halo be halo?
  14. Fang

    Halo 4 perks

    I really hope this doesnt happen. I may not even buy it if its anything like this. I suppose we will see though, no reason to get riled up yet.
  15. Well from the look of it, it appears you havent played halo 2 or 3, and you have barely even played reach. Why do you think you know whats best for halo again?? So this thread still has a point. Its meant to get the opinions of longtime halo fans who have been here from the beginning. You know, when halo was still respected as a good game and wasnt in such poor shape. These opinions are important and you having only played reach consistently(barely) just dont have as much input into what can get halo back to where it needs to be. Nothing wrong with the thread, it has a purpose. if you dont like it then too bad, it wasnt meant for you anyways. We want to talk among people who have a long standing love of this game, not some bandwagoner who started playing the dumbed down version of halo that is reach.
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