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Everything posted by Fang

  1. Definitely the BR and the Carbine. Wouldnt mind seeing the brute shot and beam rifle back though
  2. Why does everyone like sprint? All it does is discourages actually finishing a fair fight. You put yourself in a bad position and cant fight your way out then i feel you deserve to die. Seeing everyone run the moment they get hit in reach makes it feel like CoD
  3. Clearly you are misinterpreting what i said because your post makes no sense in relation to what mine was about
  4. I just hate the people that argue for the DMR with their reasoning being realism lol. I dont play a video game for realism. I play to have fun. Halo became popular because it was something different and was a game where you could actually test your skills. Seems like its just dumbing itself down each game. I want to die and know it was because of my mistake instead of the inconsistency of a poorly implemented mechanic. Not to mention it feels like im just playing against the game itself instead of other players in reach. It has become too situational for a halo title. Oh well, to each their own i suppose
  5. I was really hoping these forums would be different from the absurdity that is Bungie.net but clearly that was wishful thinking. Its just as immature. Also it seems that a lot of people have no idea what they are talking about within this subject and are basing their arguments around trivial points such as what something is technically called. Yea we get it, bloom has been around the whole time, but go ahead and compare the BR to the DMR. Both precision rifles yet so very different in function due to whats commonly referred to as "bloom". I dont care what your arguments are for it or no matter how narrow minded you can get with your argument. Bottom line is that clearly the changes made to reach in regards to core function have not been well received. If a niche group of players like the "bloom" thats fine, but overall it has only caused more controversy and needs to be removed. The addition was a little confusing in the first place, you dont fix whats not broken. You can make a new exciting game without changing the core mechanics. I mean halo became popular for a reason. Why change it so drastically and risk alienating a portion of your loyal fans for new fans who might not stay playing the game? This was a little off topic so sorry about that. I just hope we can start getting our **** together and start acting like a mature, intelligent community. Don't turn this place into bungie.net. This is a fresh start
  6. I dont really have a problem with Reach forge. Compared to what we had before it, i would be happy enough if they reused it for H4 with just a few changes to make it run smoother
  7. Fang


    I would guess this will work out similar to how ODST and Reach worked out. Halo Anniversary will probably give you access to the beta for H4
  8. True. I mean i love Halo CE as much as anybody. Its what got me into the series, but im not going to scrutinize every single detail about the remake. As long as its feels the same and they dont change anything major then i will be happy with it.
  9. Yea its not like they are remaking the whole halo 1 MP which i dont have much of a problem with. It would have taken alot of time away from the production of halo 4.
  10. As long as AAs arent in it im fine. I voted equipment just because i think its a nice subtle addition to the gameplay
  11. We dont really know if they have adopted anything from reach yet because the multiplayer for Halo CE Anniversary is still Reach. Its just basically some of the maps from halo 1 put onto Reach. KInda like a bigger map pack. Im sure many people are disappointed they didnt remake the H1 multiplayer but i think its maybe for the best that they didnt try and recreate it. It just wouldn't be able to live up to the hype
  12. Exactly. First of all both of you definitely started playing halo after you first played call of duty if you want sprint and a ranking system everyone can be a high level go back to call of duty. Halo was made to be competitiive and not like call of duty. All armor abilities did was make kids who can shoot or aim be able to evade kids who are overall better in skill. You cant tell me a 3 year old couldnt get shot at once and sprint away in all the other halos you had to stay and fight one on one alot and that showed true skill. The game was 100 times more competitive in the old halos before reach. Im sorry but 343 needs to go back to old halo because im sorry but halo reach was not a true halo game. Halo 2 and Halo 3 were addicting.....Reach gets annoyoing cause it takes hardly any skill sorry they tried to copy call of duty and failed. This exactly. I mean people can deny Reach was a failure but most people know better than that. We need to get as far away from reachs gameplay as we possibly can. The old saying If its not broke, dont fix it works very well in the case of halo. The same forumla worked amazing for h1, h2, and h3, and its not like it was the same game repackaged each time like CoD is. They changed things each time while still remaining faithful to the core gameplay that is halo. We dont need loadouts, AAs, Bloom, or any other novelty. Reach just feels sloppy to play. Individual battles look ridiculous and the game is just much too slow-paced compared to past halos. Reach brought a lot of good to the table and had a lot of potential so i dont think scrapping everything from the game is what needs to be done. For example, the new Forge is great and needs to be implemented into h4. The problem is it seems like bungie made reach with too much input from their own forums. While you should listen to your fans as they will be playing it, just remember that most of these fans also have no clue what it takes to make a good video game and their demands change on a whim. Dont let people who want to play competent, fair, and balanced games suffer because others just ask for the first things that pop into their head. Just because a game is extremely complex and has a million different components doesnt make it good(see MW2). Past halo multiplayer was great because of its simplistic nature. If the game has too much to it, it then starts to become more situational and less skill based. You really dont see a problem with armor lock? Im sure most people can agree that slowing down the pace of the game is bad and nonproductive. So why would not only slowing down gameplay, but actually bringing it to a complete stand still for however long armor lock lasts(much too long) be a good idea? AAs need to go and this one is at the top of this list with sprint
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