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Gutz Berzerker

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Everything posted by Gutz Berzerker

  1. I figured out the game type thing. When starting forge instead of going to basic editing you have to choose the game type in which you want to edit. Then when you place an item you have to got advanced>game specific>true & advanced>game label>(gametype) koth - hill works for the KOTH game type, there is also a koth I dunno what the difference is.
  2. Hello fellow forgers I am currently putting the finishing touches on my first level and I am looking for some help on some topics. First I have taken several pics of my level that I wish to download, but I can't find them in the theatre so I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction? G ame Types - I have finished laying out all of the spawns and the level shape so I can play slayer and team slayer. My problem comes when I am playing any other game type. I have laid down dominion terminals at 3 locations, as well as turrets and cover. But when I select that game type it says that the map is not compatible with that game type. Part two of the question is, when I lay down the dominion console do I have to open the field up to incompass everything I want to opporate under that bases control, i.e. turrets, cover, etc.? I have also gone around and layed down a bunch of king of the hill spots, a red and blue flag post, and I am getting the same error message when I try and play those games. I am also unable to find how to make an oddball match possible on the map, I can't locate the ball spawner. Man Cannons - my map is on impact, more specifically it is on some of the smaller asteroids in the center of the map I have a base on each side of the map and I want a man cannon to shoot me over to the other side on each side. Problem A: in forge the man cannon that is on the higher asteroid will shoot me all the way over to the island where I land right next to the opposing teams man cannon, 9 out of 10 times I land with no damage and the 1/10th is maybe 20% hit not too bad. But the cannon on the lower asteroid fires and again I make it to a spot next to the opposing man cannon, but this fall I take 50-100% shield damage, the approach is smooth the landing seems smooth, I get less air than I do from the high cannon but I take damage, but its also irregular sometimes I only take 20%. Problem B: when I take this level into test the higher man cannon 8/10 times will fail to even make it to the other side when usually it makes it well past the middle, the rest of the time it with act normal or shoot you clear over the asteroid completely. THe damage ranges from none to suicide. The cannon on the low side of the map will make the shot 1/10 and you still get damaged. In forge mode I never came up short or over it was just the damage issue. Any help would be appreciated.
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