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Everything posted by TheAks999

  1. There are multiple bugs in this report: Return to battlefield not occurring on exit Moving too far in invalid space causes repeated loading Return to battlefield occurring on entry to valid battle field area Location: On the "Reclaimer" mission after both of the first bubble shields had been destroyed in that little inlet area of the canyon. Action: One of the players in an effort to escape enemy fire scaled the right side of the canyon. Expected Behavior: The "Return to battlefield" state should have occurred. Actual behavior: Player 1 was able to scale the wall and move further away from the battle field (Bug 1). This particular wall has the other side of the canyon on it and the player attemped to enter the area (towards the large enemy turret). Just on the other side of the wall the game attempted to repeatedly load the area and move player 2 into the area. This happened in rapid succession (~10 times a second) causing major slowdown. In this state Player 2 was unable to move due to being moved to the same spot by the game repeatedly. Player 1 was able to prevent the moving by moving back into a valid area. Upon attempting to return to a valid battlefield both players experienced a "Return to battle field" state and were re-spawned back on the upper ledge. FIX: The remedy was to have player 1 hug the lower part of the cliff to reach the mammoth and enter it from the rear. Player 2 was unable to join. The rest of the level did not exhibit any other strange behavior.
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