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Th3 FaT 0n3

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    Th3 FaT 0n3

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. I was in a game of Regicide about a week ago and these two d-bags were assassination boosting so i won the game by stomping their faces.
  2. I think the boltshot is op as all hell. The major things that need to be changed about it are 1. Either take away the OHK capability OR take it out of the loadout option. 2. Using a charged shot empties the clip instead of just using half. 3. Instead of having the charge shot being timed, make it use more of your ammo like the PP. The longer you charge it the more ammo is used or the less effective it becomes.
  3. There should be 3 FFA playlists. Lone Wolves, Regicide and FFa Objective. I played the crap out of the ffa throwback list when it was on. Such intense action and really skill based competition. I think they should have more options for people who dont want to rely on the randoms to get a win. I have quite a few games played but barely under 50% wins and I usually carry the team. FFA makes it all about how well I can perform and not if my team is comprised of a bunch of paint sniffers.
  4. Th3 FaT 0n3


    If i join a game where the enemy is winning by a margin my team cant come back from I will quit in a second. I buy games to have fun and playing hero for a team is not my job. I will also quit for excessive lag issues. I simply will not deal with that issue. No thanks. I will stay in a game even if its a map I dont like. I will usually tough out games that my team is losing but only if I was in the game when it started. I dont want to get vehicle killed every 2 seconds due to entering a losing game. I paid for this game and Ill play what I want when I want to as long as i am having fun. As soon as the fun stops, I stop.
  5. I was playing Big Team on Exile with my brother and got a DMR double kill. A 3rd guy dropped from the middle area so i started shooting him and all of a sudden a flaming warthog landed on him. My brother stuck it with the sticky detenator and got a triple kill. Theater mode showed him stick it right in the wheel well and when it blew up it barely missed my head and squashed the dude i was shooting. We erupted laughing.
  6. I agree that they shouldn't have removed King of the Hill simply because it is tied to commendations. I think we need more playlists anyway. Only 1 FFA playlist is kind of lame and should be expanded.
  7. Ive actually seen a few hacks in the last week or so. Started playing oddball on Haven and had the entire enemy team spawn with snipes and rockets. I ran for the ball and boom rocketed so i just quit. There are definately people with hacks out there but that was the worst ive seen. Exile had a Scorpion that couldnt get EMP'd or blown up. My brother empd that thing 3 times and it never stopped. I stuck it with 3 plasmas as I use extra grenades on my loadout. It killed me so I called in a spartan laser from ordinance, shot it 3 times then said screw this and quit.
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