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Common Sense

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Everything posted by Common Sense

  1. So, my dear community, pardon my spelling errors, back keyboard. Who else like how every game from now on is C.O.D. Loadouts that we can set, instant spawn timers (which have really screwed the Extermination medal), and such a poor variety of maps that I can't pick which one sounds remotely fun. I miss the old Halo3 multiplayer, the given loadouts, set weapon spawns, and equipment (which with a one time use was more effective than most if not all armor loadout possibities. Don't get me wrong I am not just complaining and I am far from a Bungie fanboy (I hated halo reach with a passion after playing a few other games before hopping back in). I just miss halo being halo. I wonder does anyone else or am I talking to the deaf here?
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