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Everything posted by goodiechewshoes

  1. Yeah I totally support CQ Gametypes, just to mix it up. Also would be pretty happy to see some AR loadouts in Team throwdown, maybe coupled with some mobility and jet pack.
  2. Also KOTH on Lockout is Amazing!
  3. I Really Love Team Throwdown. The Thing I enjoyed most are the predetermined loadouts essentially letting you pick a role on the team, and the various weapon pick up spawns makes it exciting. Also having ordinances being armor abilities was fantastic. Never have I been so happy to have the Hardlight shield when others had nothing, with only one use... you have to be smart about it. I would like to see some more automatic weapons included in the loadouts perhaps automatic weapon with jet pack...can make it you take the role of a scout on your team, and even some automatics only loadouts. Overall I really enjoy this mixing of starting loadout, and still having some random weapon spawn kinda forcing more of a zone strategy gameplay.
  4. I love the jet pack with mobility. Also regenfield with AA recovery is fantastic for team play, and holding a location. Third, I'm beginning to like the auto sentry with an automatic weapon, speeds up kill time considerably. I don't use hologram, thrusters or promethean vission much but they are pretty great too. Active camo just doesn't suite my playstyle. Lastly Hardlight only seems usefull if you have a team that protects you. (decoy runner)
  5. I Reckon the DMR needs a slight nerf in rof. lyk 0.1 seconds off the total kill time, perhaps even less, which would keep it's close range capabilities nearly the same, and weaken it at mid range vs BR. Then at long range you have the DMR and Light Rifle But currently at this point there is no reason to choose BR over DMR.
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