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Posts posted by HALOXXMANIACXX

  1. Well, if you notice, Spirits carry Vehicles. In between the two passenger holder things, their is the energy things which carry renevants and wraiths. we need those things to fly in forge. they cannot hsve guns, that would be unfair to ground people.

  2. This s all about the vehicles today.


    Phantom----- Pilot or passengers get in using the X button. 2 Gunners can go to the sides of it, located where the plasma turrets are. operate using X. Phantom is only a drop off ship for people, not vehicles. Back door opens by the pilot pressing the Y button. move up using LT, and down using LB. move forward or backward with Left trigger, and turn with Right Trigger. Does not hace and plasma canons. Cost is 500


    Elephant------ Pilot gets in with X, passengers can move freely in the back. ther is a Crane to pick up vehicles, operate using X, move around with Right Trigger, up with LT, and Down with LB. open crane mouth or whatever its called with A, and close with B. Pilot can pen back of Elephant with RT. It can hold up to 2-3 warthogs, or 5 mongosses, no scorpions. Mounted Machine guns on both sides, and passenger bay in the bottom front. Cost is 500.


    Spirit------ Works exactly like the phantom, has no plasma cannons, but can hold vehicles and Passengers, side doors open with Y, has no guns at all. Pick up vehicles with RT, and release with RT. cost is 500.


    Hope you enjoyed it. I want to hear your ideas too. Much appreciate.

  3. I have come up with a new list of ideas, Enjoy.


    One Way / Two Way Shield doors------- The mix of a door and a shield, the one way is a button on one side which you press to turn the shielld into a one way shield, or a two way shield, allowing it to be used as a prison door or as a security door. the two way shield door is typically the same but with two buttons doing exactly the same. Each costs 150.


    Portable Radio------ an armor ability which allows you to send and receive messages in the field rather than at your base. All messages are still recorded at Radio in your base if you have one. cost is 50.


    Now lets get to how the Vehicles would be used. :D :D :D


    Pelican------ The pelican will not have any guns on it. it can hold up to 10 passengers. Press the X button to Pilot or get into the passenger seats. It takes 4-5 Banshee bombs to kill it and 2 spartain lasers to kill it. passengers are able to open the back of it by pressing the Y button along with the pilot. The pilot can attach or detach the Vehicle in the back, which is a Warthog, Scorpion, or Mongoose by pressing the RT button on the controller. It rises by pressing the LT button, and lowers using the LB button.Move the Pelican forward by using the left trigger forward or backward.



  4. What iv'e been hearing on blogs is that HALO 4 is going to have new forge items. With that, ive made a list of ideas that should be in the list of new items. Enjoy :)


    Opening and Closing Hanger doors---- A large Hanger bay capable of holding a pelican, or 2 to 3 falcons. you are able to press a button to open the hanger doors. it is a shield door which turns on and off. Each costs 250


    Security cameras and T/V's----- A small camera which connects to flat surfaces. by picking the number on the camera, which you can switch, it connects to the same number on the T/V. camera is 100, and T/V is 100.


    Sliding doors------- The same size as a normal door in halo-Reach, it is opened when you press a button on the side of it, making it so the opponent cannot see you when you walk to it. cost is 80.


    Alarms-------Small alarms that you can put on the ceilings or walls, they are triggered when you press the Alarm button, which comes seperately. by changing its team color to yours, when you press the button only those specific alarms go off, so the other teams base doesn't go off. alarm is 50, and button is 30.


    Last but not least, Radio-------- when you go to your armory, your temmate will pick up a armor ability which allows you to read messages rather than having to tell them in person or over the speaker. it is a one way radio where they see the message above them. you sent the message by going to the sender which is like a tv with a keyboard sticking out. you press X to use it. and you use the joystick or D pad to type on your screen. change the color of the Armor ability to your team color, so only the teemate can see it. Radio sender is 200, and Armor ability, called receiver, is 50.


    I hope you enjoyed it. let me know YOUR ideas. ill put more up later.

  5. For the last few Halo games, the fans could only use easter eggs or cheats to fly cool dropships like the Pelican or Phantom. i know all of the fans are thinking, "when will the makers of Halo finally get off their asses and allow us to have dropships in forges." Why cant they have hanger bays in the building sections rather than having us build them ourselves. automatic doors or even doors with codes to open them. how about letting us costomise Elite armor right? allowing us to use vehicles like the Elephant, Pelican, Phantom, Spctre, all those other vehicles from the older Halos. i'd like to see NEW vehicles too. one that shoots EMP blasts would be cool. What do you think?


    Lets get ideas!!! :D

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