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  1. I recently thought of an idea for the beginning of Halo 5. (Let me know what you think.) It starts off with a view into unknown space and begins to pan. You begin to see wreckage of covenant vessels. As it continues to pan you begin to see another Forerunner Shield World with a small section damaged. The screen zooms in on that section and you see Sentinels and Sentinel Primes repairing it. Then a curious piece of debris comes into the screen. A cryo tube. On the bottom the inscription reads "Linda" a sentinel flies toward the tube, scans it, and alerts the other sentinels. The sentinels open the sphere and take the tube with them, but unknowingly allow another presence to enter. The screen goes black and reads "HALO 5."
  2. The Arbiter returning in Halo 5's campaign would be interesting, but I'd also like to see Linda return. She was put in Halo CE during the first mission but you could only see her bio-signs. Also, in response to Mr. Fish old maps would be nice, but I would like to see Sidewinder, Boarding Action, Elongation, and Turf. 2. Boats or watercraft in BTB maps would be a great addition.
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