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Everything posted by FacetedLocket5

  1. :D The problem is fixed!!!!! THANK YOU 343!!!!! YOU RULE!!!!!
  2. :D The problem is fixed!!!!! THANK YOU 343!!!!! YOU RULE!!!!!
    1. Sarge


      *cracks knuckles* all in a days work


  3. My wish list for Halo 5 is as following: -The Arbiter has a tie-in -There is a myth that Cortana lives some how -The brutes are back -Maybe a character or two from Spartan Ops returns -More RvB easter eggs!!!! -More promeathean weapons -Longer campaign (11 missions woud do) -More War Games game types And that is my long(ish) wish list for what I would like to have in Halo 5.
  4. I have has similar issues. For me, it says that I am "temporarily banned from" gaining XP. Please help, 343!!!! But I got the War Games Map Pass so yeah.
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