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Everything posted by Sportan

  1. The speech in the epilogue was when he was being imprisoned. I think. So it was in the past.
  2. This reminds me of the Geth in Mass Effect. They are one consciousness. Except for the whole heretic thing. But Legion and Shepard took care of that. They are awesomesauce.
  3. Thing is, Binary:takes too much skill and isn't serious enough Fiesta: super easy to be "good" at because teh rocketz Rockets:AGain, you have to have skill, so no one likes it. Everyone picks fiesta every time because of that time they got 17 kills, and they usually get like 8 kills. I, on the other hand, enjoy rockets because i average 30 kills since my team always sucks. It makes me feel good, cuz i screw around and then own. Binary too. I don't get that many kills but i go insane up front and distract everyone for my team. Plus the old things that made fiesta awesome aren't there anymore. I miss the old action sack. like zeus on run for cover, and all kinds of other insane things. 'Twas fun, but alas, no more.
  4. I miss when you could spend 30 minutes on a really close invasion match, or a solid 20 in a fun game of CTF on sand trap, or even just a few minutes per game in customs. But people are treating Halo more and more like COD, playing to win and get that new shining armor, rather than to enjoy screwing around in elephants and mongeese(?). Custom games went down the hole too. I miss those days. *sigh* TL;DR COD ruined halo.
  5. Fiesta then:feeling like a boss cuz you took down a rocket with your spiker fiesta now:JETPACKZ N FUEL RODZ N BINARY RIFLEZ ERMEGHERED EVERYBODY LET'S ONLY PLAY THIS ONE GAMETYPE CUZ IT HAZ INCIN CANNON!!!! Rockets and binary slayer are both fun, but no one ever votes for them, cuz of stupid fiesta and the 0 skill level requirement to win. Like why people like COD over Halo.
  6. It depends on the time, and if they are working together or are fighting like normal. If it is present, and working together, then Star wars. they would just own the unsc and covies (yes, the flood have been eradicated as far as we know). If it is all time and everyone is working together, then forerunners, ancient humans, precursors, and flood would win, even against the Rakata and whatever. The precursors were intergalactic (civilization tier 0), and the rakata "would expand in thousands of light years in every direction"(wokeeipedia) (civilization tier 2). This isn't even counting halo rings and shield worlds. Plus, "one flood spore could destroy a species" they could just drop some infection forms on undefended worlds, then start working away on everywere else. Currently, it would be star wars. The whole universe, it would be Halo. Fo' sho'.
  7. My first Charizard, My level 100 magikarp that i wasted my life on (yes, it was the one i bought from that retard in the pokemon center), Gallade, ^I didn't read Jam's post 'till after i posted this. i like your style Jam. Giratina (with a griseous orb), Genesect, And Black Kyurem.
  8. 77. Stopping for the food nipple grunt on the Maw.
  9. My Fire Flies, Shots Rain down Crashing Lightning thunders 'round The largest bird is nothing to me, Yet My destruction is easy to see. A single person, one man alone, Can bring my end history has shown. In groups of three we defend our home. Against creatures from the unknown. I think it is something from halo wars. "The largest bird" is probably a vulture, "Our home" could be the base. And "in groups of 3" probably means the squad is of 3 members. Just putting that out there to help. I might be completely wrong.
  10. I swear to god, i always check this thread after someone solved the riddle.
  11. What really sucks is that you only get one. When you get 2, and you throw both, you usually get a kill. but with 1, it really is hard to get a kill because it is easy to avoid.
  12. everytime i check this thread, the riddler hasn't posted :/
  13. engineers are made of scraps by each other... they are far from calimari. ima go with hunter. I have a new book idea. How to Eat Fried Space Worms
  14. Me and my friends were talking about how weird it is that we drink cow and goat milk, but not human milk. Then I said that we have been having job problems, and that we could have factories for people to get milked... It got really awkward.
  15. sleeper Micropachycephalosaurus
  16. The Shadow. I want to actually drive it, as useless as it is.
  17. A parsec is a distance equal to 3.26 light years. A bolide is a meteorite that explodes in atmosphere. Comets' comas can expand to be larger than the sun. It is believed that there is a supermassive black hole in the center of the milky way. It is the decreased pressure above the wings of the airplane that provides the most lift, not the increased pressure beneath them. The thermosphere is the hottest place on Earth, but a human can't feel it because it is too close to the vacuum of space. The milky way and Andromeda galaxies will collide in several hundred m/billion years. Neptune used to be in front of Uranus. Nuclear Fusion makes a lot of energy and minimal waste.
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