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Everything posted by Machinga

  1. I want fire, frag, stickys, and some other kind like the cryo grenade. But I want frags to be able to do something
  2. No offence but I really hated arena and ranked playlists. I think you should rank up for whatever you do in social like in H3
  3. well even if he did hijack a sentinel he couldnt make it to a frigate because those are in space and the vaccum would kill him
  4. No I think he means the thing that is pulling MC in. But Im not quite sure about the "Ring" Either...
  5. Machinga


    I want them to put in something like StarWars:BattleFront Instant Action so you could put out people that could actually fight like matchmaking for people with no XBL
  6. I liked equipment and armor abilities but AA got on my nerves sometimes to
  7. I kind of do like in halo 4 if you could be an odst and stuff like that
  8. wow... I remember seeing you on anoj's top ten halo 3 in a banshee
  9. i just want halo to be better that COD actually it already is but you know what i mean
  10. yeah i would also like to be in odst armor, BRING BACK ROGUE
  11. if he didnt have teammates and was fighting a bunch of messed up robots or whatever chief's fighting he would probably die so sure but if mc could give gray team commands that would be boss
  12. i want it to actually match you up with people of your own skill levels im sick and tired of having to deal with obsessive people that win every game
  13. just add every weapon from every game, were all happy. exept the dmr IT has to have no bloom
  14. more vehicles boats, pelicans, ect.
  15. I want some more h2h combat also if you could have other playlists where you could be odst's ect. i also want an epic REAL halo style campaign, no reach stuff. And more weapons
  16. just make it so it has halo 1,2,3 camo jet packs like in the trailer except you can only jump higher with them, and i dont mind sprint it is useful.
  17. I want to meet up with some other guys or something like that who also were pulled into the ship/planet/thing
  18. Machinga


    HE should fight forerunners
  19. it could be like that if it was like armor abbilities a little
  20. Yeah and instead of upgrading the BR look you coould just have the body shape of the gun because they both look the same and have attachments like the top handle and the scope and the ammunition
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