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Everything posted by Machinga

  1. best cowboy game ever, competition: call of juarez lol, good game though
  2. Machinga

    NMPD Helmet

    yeah thats what i was meaning to say but im too lazy to go back and edit my post which i couldve done while is was typing this DANG IT!!!
  3. back to the future? IT'S NOT A TUMOR!!!!
  4. Machinga

    NMPD Helmet

    I want this armor if you could put it on your spartan, helmet, shoulders, and chest
  5. cool, i liek it, the chest seems quite big though
  6. Absolute dog is alive!!!! !!!! i want to be able to befriend grunts.
  7. it will be 819 emptitous reppricussion
  8. hey guys i bought it and it is super beast
  9. Master chief is a beast but he cant fight off an entire ancient evil by himself can he?
  10. Well obviously were going to have dual wielding, bungie was like, yeah this guy can rip of a 100 lb turret but he cant carry two 3 lb pistols! and 343 was all like, yeah were going to go make halo 4 now and you guys can take the blame from angry trolls, PEACE!
  11. And we will do an octagon fight too, just plasma pistols, but no overcharging, and there will be overshields
  12. halo reach was awesome for a few months then it kind of died out for me, still the only xbox game i play though, i barely ever play xbox anyway, but bloom is kind of annoying luckily they took it out
  13. And this thread is not popular because narwhal posted at least 10 threads while i wrote this
  14. Yeah its a work in progress
  15. every 10 points you get a tier every howevermany tiers you get a new rank style kills are beat downs, assassinations, snipe, that kind of stuff.
  16. Hey guys i know this has been posted over a billion and 5 times before but this is how my idea of the ranking system should go, the halo 3 ranking system was so stupid, i would get matched with like level 40's when i was only level 20, match making has always cursed me, i had my friend play with my guy in a ranked match and he said it was 50 times harder than his player. On to the reach ranking system, my friend dropped his memory card in a bowl of water so he lost all his stuff, he did this 3 months ago, we were the same rank in reach until then, i have barely played much since, but he played so much he is a higher rank than me now. It should be your rank in a game combined with other ranks so if your teamates stink you dont get put down, combined with your stats in that game therefor if you were playing slayer and you had 5 kills and rank sergeant, and your teamates were privates and had 2 kills you would still get a good total score. here is the matrix. 5 points for winning 5 point for every kill -4 points for every death 6 points for every style kill -5 points for every style death -10 points for losing every ten points you have you gain a tier. 5 tiers in private rank 6 tiers in private grade 2. ect. ect. There is more hardcore gametypes that gamble more points: 30 points for winning -40 for losing
  17. okay the official fight will be whenever the two tacos can be free to play halo, 3v3 match, choose your teams wisely, it will be fiesta fight (random weapons) beacuse tacos are fiestas. Make sure your teammates can play right then because we are tight on funds. also everyone will have 5 lives, last man standing's team will be the winner. so when taco and t4co read this again please put when you can play and have a team ready by, thank you.
  18. it does but eventually the gun jams and you cant ever use it again. I wish bananas didnt grow on trees
  19. You do but then somehow they get order 66 and kill you and all of your jedi friends. I wish emoticons werent so fun!!!! :unworthy: :thumbdown:
  20. i already posted about the CHAMBOTS or whatever its called
  21. Wish granted, i have hacked machingas account MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!1 (jk) I wish my family would by non-diet pop
  22. i want to see someone have a real life nerdgasm also i want to be the all Pro running back for the NE Patriots (which will probably never happen)
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