Hey guys i know this has been posted over a billion and 5 times before but this is how my idea of the ranking system should go, the halo 3 ranking system was so stupid, i would get matched with like level 40's when i was only level 20, match making has always cursed me, i had my friend play with my guy in a ranked match and he said it was 50 times harder than his player. On to the reach ranking system, my friend dropped his memory card in a bowl of water so he lost all his stuff, he did this 3 months ago, we were the same rank in reach until then, i have barely played much since, but he played so much he is a higher rank than me now. It should be your rank in a game combined with other ranks so if your teamates stink you dont get put down, combined with your stats in that game therefor if you were playing slayer and you had 5 kills and rank sergeant, and your teamates were privates and had 2 kills you would still get a good total score. here is the matrix. 5 points for winning
5 point for every kill
-4 points for every death
6 points for every style kill
-5 points for every style death
-10 points for losing
every ten points you have you gain a tier.
5 tiers in private rank
6 tiers in private grade 2.
ect. ect.
There is more hardcore gametypes that gamble more points:
30 points for winning
-40 for losing