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Everything posted by Fire

  1. Wow **** man... This just blew my mind. You are truly a greater person than I. I should have been here more often. I can't help but feel this is my fault man. There isn't much i can say that hasn't been said before me. But Dog, you are a truely great, generous person. You didn't only give me a free copy of Halo CEA, you gave me one which got lost on the way there, and sent another one. You are an amazing person who makes me sad. I should have tried harder than what i did. YOu were always there, like the older brother for the server. There is no one who tried harder, you Twam and jester are the life blood of the server. I tried but i couldn't. YOu always checked in on me, and for that, i am forever grateful. Fly on my friend.
  2. Fire


    WIth respect ONe, This is MY topic. And it's for fan fiction. Not normal posts.
  3. Nice utorrent you got there Twam
  4. My brain continues to confuse me. As i'm going through my old Redemption files, I find a whole chapter i never uploaded (and don't remember writing) along with another half chapter.

    1. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Guess it wan't writer block after all......it was writers amnesia. Forgetting where you put what you had written.

  5. My brain both amazes me and confuses me. It's roughly two am here, and the cat wakes me up. I'm sleeping soundly. I let the cat out and lie back down. Roll over and BAM, instantly awake, feel like i need to write...

  6. *cough* RWPWG-77Y34-D2GQ6-WCJWR-RP6WZ *cough*
  7. Thank you for making this thread, you are missing quite a few though.
  8. Thanks guys, with my free time i just might!
  9. Ah sorry, forgot, Im not a mod so i cant move it, ill pass it along to AD
  10. I tried to post this on the mod forum, i still had access for some reason, but as i posted it clicked and locked me out, so i don't know if you guys can see it. But im back. My life took a punch to the guy, my dad has passed. It was about 3 weeks ago, we couldnt do anything, it was peaceful. I've had to step up and take care of everything, my mom has always been depressed but taken prescriptions to deal with it, with the increased hospital bills for all they have done. We haven't been able to get those to her in the past couple months, so i've been having to take care of her and watch her. (while my little brother is lost in his world). So... i've been busy. But we recieved some relief and got my mom her prescriptions and she has stepped up, so i have some free time. I look forward to being back
  11. Hey guys, how is everyone? i've had a hard time recently, my father has passed, but I am back now, for good hopefully :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ZB-85


      We are glad to see you back. Sorry for your loss though.

    3. skummgummigubbe
    4. PuRe PoNy

      PuRe PoNy

      Sorry to hear about that, your're brony friend here is sending his love.

  12. I like it, but you told everyone that when you make a new paragraph to indent, you didn't do that, at all... Thank you though, I am also a grammar Nazi!
  13. Okay a cool Mass effect 3 trick, or rather a case trick. You can open the case 180 style, take the paper out with the cover art and flip it. fold it on the seam and put it back in reverted, VIOLA Female sheperd cover art

    1. Donut


      Kinda late there bud. But thanks for showing the ones who don't know. :)

    2. Fire


      Ah well i figured it out for myself :P

  14. Wow, 1800 views! Sweet, thanks everyone
  15. Did you know a spartan's waste is made into power?
  16. Actually when bungie Aokayed evolutions they agreed to make it canon.
  17. meant fire 075 sry!

  18. Anyone want to play Mass Effect 3 demo? I've got some free time right now, need 2 more people, send a request to "fire 32"!

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