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Everything posted by Fire

  1. Bob took me in. Instead of viewing me as an annoying fan who was nosy, he viewed me as an equal. The same night i joined i asked if they needed help. They told me to watch for spam, couple days later i was made into a "secret mod" it was a lot of fun.
  2. First off, you do NOT speak for the community as a whole. And this is what YOU want. I would love gun personalization.
  3. knew it would happen soon...

  4. why did i click this.. it said spoiler.....
  5. Wow, i dont write halo fiction frankly because there is just so much canon to work with, frankly there isn't enough "room" if you know what i mean. I am working on a zombie story if anyone is interested..
  6. You're telling us... But the absolute BEST thing you can do is to click the report button on it, it makes it much easier for us mods, thanks, like spec said the new update will stop them, so hang with us
  7. I was about to delete this for being a netflix spammer... lol
  8. Yeah, i dont mean to beg... but i would like one too... mine expired in july and my family and I spent all of our spending money on my mom's surgery, like i said, not begging, there always christmas
  9. Well after several computer viruses and school trouble, im back, well partly... (if that makes ANY sense at all). I notice i'm not a mod anymore, it's ok. I've been busy, got a job,school etc etc. my laptop is fixed so i will try to be on more.
  10. Mama lopez is gonna get her kid's some ice cream-Mona Lisa Halo Short story if that doesnt count then Wake me up when you need me -MC
  11. Woot another floodian... Welcome brother!
  12. The guy on that article was an idiot who talked in third person. The Emo Kitten believes that perhaps Halo 5 will be on the next gen xbox, Emo also believes that it won't be called the 720.....
  13. Fire


    Yes welcome, sorry you clicked on the "BAD" link, couldn't delete it fast enough
  14. Your a wizard 6 description- ride the moa unlock by riding a moa effect- noclip
  15. I salute you sir, taking time from protecting our country to talk to us on the internet! Thank you and come home safely!
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