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Everything posted by Fire

  1. Fire


    also getting AC revelations Laura Croft MW3 BF 3 Skyrim
  2. Fire

    Custom games idea

    Well i mean human bodies, great for infection games
  3. It is a addon for xbox with all of the latest halo news and shows and comics it is also free!
  4. Fire


    Naw i am good
  5. true so more of a planet
  6. I played a bit more than went back to 3
  7. Fire


    I mean in this forum we are but not this guys post
  8. Fire

    Custom games idea

    Yes more real and add more *feel* to the game, i also think dead bodies would be cool
  9. Fire


    I am, all of them!
  10. Bungie didn't but this is 343i's now so we'll just have to see
  11. That's it, what would it look like? so i'm guessing no
  12. Make 3 Halo games a year trying to make money
  13. But is it a planet or a ship?
  14. Fire


    Well it is mainly an online game so there is no need for the complaint against offline.
  15. Yeah so i said "ok screw this! let's just play H3"
  16. Exactly Sprint and evade were great, the rest just broke the game
  17. I know, my friend is REALLY protective of his games... he will only let me use them when he is watching, but he hates watching so he gets bored and goes home or wants to play something else.
  18. Thanks for backing me up sch1s.
  19. The second level... on 4 different xboxes but i've watched it through youtube twice
  20. You like smileys don't you?
  21. Yeah... i ordered it from amazon yesterday for $10 shipped so i'll finish soon
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