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alex brz nasty

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Everything posted by alex brz nasty

  1. Hello Im new to this sight like 2 minutes new. Anyways i had some constructive criticism that i hope really goes somewhere and makes a difference. 1. The game is not competitive enough. i played halo 3 a lot and couldn't get enough of it .. i played tell i got really good at h3 it took a lot of effort and eventually after trying for a really long time i got to level 50. it was a really hard goal. Eventually i got many of them.. i would really appreciate a ranked playlist where i can have something to lose if i do bad, an excuse to not quit games, A reason to put in effort and try my hardest to win. so when i get a level 50 it will be a testament to my efforts. the game used to be a lot more serious.. now when i go to matchmaking in halo 4 i can join any game even one im losing i would expect this from a nonchalant game like COD(which i sold). but HALO used to be a really competitive game that people took more seriously. i try really hard to get into the game but a level up based not on skills is a poor prize. I want to play good people who care about keeping or gaining a high level so i can play the best of the best trying the best they can. 2.Please make more maps for slayer and ffa. at least have a competition for some good forge maps so the customers can have more of a variety. I think its absurd how few maps we have in this halo and in addition to that you release three maps after the game just came out. These maps you gave me for free for a couple of days, and instead of excepting your mistake you deleted the maps off my hard drive today! when we already didnt have enough to begin with! D:< . This makes me feel like im not a valued cst. We halo community think to ourselves "they probably already had these maps and just wanted to exploit us for more money later on." Seriously?? i feel like bungie really cared about customers. making playlist on holidays, putting pallets and zombieish things on zombie maps, a ranked playlist when the game came out. They tried hard to please us. They didnt just throw the whole thing together before christmas time. Im wondering to myself right now what are you guys doing? are you even attempting to make the game better?because there are many little thing you could do very easily to show appreciation and make the game more enjoyable. Even the halo community could help and make good forge maps and give criticism to make the game fun. Please stop with all the advertising. For crying out loud doesn't microsoft have enough money without making us a part of some sale scheme for mtn dew, doritos, & 7eleven its makes me feel like your trying to take every penny you can get through any cheap vulpine method possible. not give me a fun game in which you earn money by making me a fun game that keeps me buying subscriptions. 4. Regicide is a bad alternative to lone wolves instead of every man for himself the game is based on going after the guy with the arrow above his head. once you are the king getting people to come to you for an easy kill is just too easy. again this game is not very serious. in h3 regicide is something i would play like two custom games of with friends as a joke then go play something serious after that. 5. Halo has always been about kills. not about more points for killing with this gun then that gun. Or more points for sticking a guy. or getting points for assist and other thing which aren't pertinent like getting a kill is. whoever added this system i know wasnt from bungie because he doesnt understand the game very well and this is just one more non serious aspect thats been added to the game. I played a game of regicide in which i went 26 and 9 a guy who got 18 kills and 20 deaths got 1st place this is an outrage. i tried really hard to get my kills and this guy who just shot a guy with an arrow above his head the most wins its not really fair. 6. The ordinance drops are just one more thing showing all over my screen they are kind of unnecessary just make normal weapon placements that dont damage me. We should just be able to pick up grenades from fallen enemy's like ammo. 7. Lag... the forge can be lagey sometimes. all my friends have this complaint. Another problem some of my friends with less desirable connections cant join up sometimes but if we go play a different game the person joins fine. i understand the games new but one of my friends cant join me or other friends even when his nat is open but he can join me on forza. i miss his company on halo. another friend sometimes has the same problem. 8. Invisibility is an overpowered start. Boltshot is an overpowered starting weapon. the game really isnt very well rounded and balanced like it was in halo three its kind of really random with many loadouts and weapon varieties its not very even which bungie understood well. they made the game very fair for everyone and gave people equal opportunities to win. I think you guys should work on making it a little more fair. please make team doubles it was a very challenging playlist and i had a lot of great games of it in h3. You should keep invisibility out of dubs even more because it is overpowered for so few people. 9. compound flag spawn needs to be changed on one side the enemy can easily jump down on the flag and take it up a lift have instant cover and decent cover back to the base..it is very hard to win starting from lift side playing decent people.. at least push the flag back to where the sniper spawns so its further from lift. the other sides flag spawn is okay as long as you put the flag further from the lift. Abandon should be taken out of flag period lift side has highground big time its not really fair they can easily jump down on flag and shoot you easily because the lack of decent cover compared to lift side. 10. this one you can take or leave its not as important but it would be cool if we could choose our own button layout i played bumper jumer in h3 cause i like to jump with L1 and beat down with R1.. its hard to use abilities and change to stickys for a quick last minute stick while playing bumper jumper now. Well whether or not you care thanks for your time.
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