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Everything posted by StaYqL

  1. 2 weeks of vacation incoming... finally

  2. Good Morning everyone! My name is David, but everyones calling me Dave. I'm 22 years young and living in the beautifull south of Germany. I'm playing videogames since i'm a lil boy.. started with the SNES and Super Mario World! dat nostalgia! I'm currently working as a Quality Manager in a facility for surgical instruments (started here 7 years ago as an instrument maker). Love my dog Spike, listening to music, *beastmode*'ing at the gym and playing Halo 4 and DotA 2 ... but who cares what i'm doing Joined this page because... i duno.. just strumbled over it in the world wide web... an.. tbh.. i'm feeling comfortable here I'm always up for some games.. if anyone's interested, just hit me up with a pm or invite me looking for ppl to play with all the time GT: x StaYqL so... enough from my side.. Nice to be here and have a nice day! > Dave aKa StaYqL
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