Buddy.... first of all : youre compairing halo 4 to Reach. so im guessing you never played Halo 2 or 3.
second aof all: you saif it yourself, you never get double kills or triple kills. and not youre saying you get over kills playing CTF?
thirdly: grenades used to be a defensive stratagy. Back in Halo 3 MLG days there were no starting AAs, the only way to figure out where the team was or to get a jump on someone was to use a precise grenade bounce.
Ever since Reach came out, Bad kids think its acceptable top stand back, uinload both starting grenades, sprint in, die. then instantly spawn to do it all again.
i dont know how many times ive been betrayed by some coward standing way behind me trying to kill the guy i already ran up to and killed.